Dear Rich #$%*,
I know that you probably forgot that you owned a 1977 Honda motorcycle, but you do / did. I know that you have misplaced the title for said motorcycle over the years due to being to rich to give a #$%* about some poor old motorcycle stuffed in the back of your document filing warehouse for 20 years. I am aware you didn't have the "time" to get involved with acquiring a duplicate title. Besides the nice amounts of rat feces and spider webs, the frozen carburetors, and the beautiful patina and rust accents, I have almost completely restored your motorcycle to like new condition. I have acquired the proper documentation to prove that your associates sold me the motorcycle under your command, and I have a lawyer drawing up the necessary paperwork to subpoena you. Once you have been served, you will be required to show up in Cort and/or apply for a duplicate title that you will then be forced to sign over to me. If you fail to do either of these things eventually I will be issued a title under vehicle abandonment laws and you will most likely be fined. How's that feel in your rich ass? You think you can sell something without a title and you're permanently rid of it and or any problems with it. That's not quite how it works and for about 350$ I will make you do a little work that you otherwise refuse to do.
Thanks for making me aware of the law Jerk off.