Hi all,
I bought an F2 engine that was over-reved this winter, had it in my trailer and wanted a way to get it out by myself. Bought a chain hoist at Harbor Freight and a couple of nylon lifting straps for $50. Hung the chain hoist from a 4x4 across 2 of the rafters of my garage. Wrapped the strap around the cylinders and lifted it right out of the trailer.
Thinking about a way to hold my engine when I am working on it, so back to HF for a 750 lb. engine stand. The stand won't bolt to the SOHC4 directly, so I had 4 pieces of 1/4" x 2" hot rolled steel cut and bent, then I drilled them to fit the back trans mounting bolts. Gives me good access to the front, plus the sides and bottom if I rotate it on the stand.
Has anyone tried this before, any reason why it won't work?