1. The PAMCO ignition system is not a Kettering based system. The Kettering system uses a capacitor to form a tuned circuit with the coil to enhance the effectiveness of the collapsing magnetic field. The PAMCO electronic system does not use a capacitor so it is not a Kettering based system. If you think that the condenser is only there to protect the points, then try running your points equipped engine without a condenser.
2. The higher the voltage that a coil produces, the greater the current flow will be after the spark plug gap has been bridged. The greater the current flow across the gap, the hotter the spark. A hotter spark will in turn ignite more of the fuel air mixture to form a larger initial kernel of flame that goes on to ignite the remainder of the mixture in the cylinder.
3. In a dual output coil, wasted spark system, the spark plugs are effectively in series, so a .028 gap in each plug is really equivalent to a .056” gap. If you want to increase the gap to, say, .035” then that is equivalent to .070”. Increasing the plug gap also exposes more of the mixture to the spark to further increase the size of the initial kernel of flame. A larger gap requires a higher voltage to ensure operation under all circumstances.
4. A higher voltage from the coil also results in a longer duration spark as it takes more time for the voltage across the plug gap to diminish to the point where it can no longer bridge the gap. So, a higher voltage coil inherently produces a longer duration spark. A longer duration spark exposes more of the mixture , which also ignites more of the mixture to form an even larger kernel of flame.
5. A coil that produce a high voltage at 14.5 volts will produce a proportionately higher voltage when the battery is low than a stock coil. This results in easier starts with a cold engine and low battery.
So, constantly harping on the voltage required to jump a .028” gap is missing the real purpose in having an ignition system that produces a very high voltage. I would suggest that anyone wishing to critique the PAMCO system should first acquaint themselves with electronic ignition systems generally and wasted spark systems in particular.
As an example, a wasted spark system produces a positive voltage for one of the spark plugs and a negative for the other. The spark plug works better with a negative voltage and there is a 40% penalty in the voltage required for the spark plug with the positive voltage. That is another reason why dual output coils are always “high performance” coils. It’s not so much for an overall improvement in performance as it is to provide the 40% higher voltage for the positive sparkplug.
I think that if anyone came to this site with the intent of deceiving the membership, they would be shot down quickly, and not by people who just generally cannot accept new ideas.
The product that I am offering is a real, physical product that several members have installed in there motorcycles. So far, the feedback has been positive.
For some reason, there is one individual on this site who is so incensed with people that present new ideas for the SOHC market that he completely loses his mind and even goes so far as to suggest that I do not even own a SOHC motorcycle. That kind of behavior to me is not the workings of a healthy mind.