Author Topic: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?  (Read 4720 times)

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Offline KRONUS0100

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ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« on: April 25, 2011, 08:21:28 PM »
went to hardware store today to get bolts and see about way to mount headlight on BABY, my 76 CB750F.  Lady asks what kind of bike an I tell her, an she says..."That's what ya get for buying Japanese #$%*".  I wanted to freakin hit her right in the mouth.  Instead, I simply smiled, paid for my bits an pieces, and said to her "Only constipated stupid #$%*s need the vibrations from a Harley so they can get on with thier lives" and walked out.  Pissed me off so dammed bad.  What is it with people.
current bikes:  1976 CB750F, 1981 GS1100E
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Offline hesselfuzz

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 09:20:42 PM »
Just a suggestion: when someone says something that really pisses you off, don't hand them money.
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Offline Hannibal Smith

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 09:47:03 PM »
She is just standard issue white trash. I would call the manager and tell him/her how rude the salesperson was, then get on with life.
By even replying, you played into her game though.
If it's any consolation, she doesn't own a motorcycle, and neither does her husband/boyfriend etc. I would bet on it.
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Offline dysfoundation

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 09:54:33 PM »
did you ask her if she knew where her car was manufactured?? i guarantee she has a a toyota or honda..but +1 to telling the manager her get chewed out as you stand in the background laughing

Offline Anti-Johnny

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2011, 10:29:11 PM »
Yay ignorance!

Tell her

if I wanted any #$%* from you I'd swing by the trailer park and get it out of your port o potty.

your opinion is about as useful to me as the three to four teeth left in your head.

Your garbled and poorly composed slang was difficult to understand, but I can recommend a speech therapist that helped my grandfather after the stroke.

You appreciate her expert mechanical advice, and regret that she is moonlighting at the hardware store to get through the slump in the economy.

take that handful of bolts and washers, hold them open palmed in her face, then simply drop them all on the ground and walk out.

Poke her in the eye

that you want to speak with a manager.
 Come by and wrench and have a cold one while enjoying the wide array of rides and riders in Austin!


Offline phil71

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2011, 11:12:44 PM »
Harleys leak to sell oil, and rattle your teeth to male work for dentists in a country with no national health. It's economic stimulus at work!

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2011, 12:33:16 AM »
did you ask her if she knew where her car was manufactured?? i guarantee she has a a toyota or honda..but +1 to telling the manager her get chewed out as you stand in the background laughing

Plenty of Jap parts on Harley's and Porsche designed the engine in the V-rod........
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Offline Dusthawk

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2011, 12:48:36 AM »
I've had both, a guy at one Ace store decided to make known his contempt for Rice Burners saying I should go out and get a real bike. What he didn't know was his manager was in the next aisle and heard everything he said. The manager walked around the corner, pointed at the worker and said "get out, you're suspended." The manager proceeded to help me out, finding just the right bolts, nuts, and a couple of spacers. We got to talking and come to find out the manager had a 73 CB750. He found it on C-list years ago as a barn find in Mendocino County and restored it. We chatted for a while and when I was ready to check out he walked me to the register and told the cashier it was no charge.

What ever happened to the old adage "The customer is ALWAYS right"?
1971 Honda CB750 K1 Chopper A.K.A. Rita

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Offline dave500

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2011, 01:27:22 AM »
good one dust hawk.


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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2011, 02:32:25 AM »
Gee, my Kawasaki has a higher percentage of American content then a Harley, which is better for Americans?

Offline Kong

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2011, 04:48:49 AM »
On Edit:  Post removed by Author, at least most of it, because its tone was far too mean. 
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 05:03:44 AM by Kong »
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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2011, 05:06:27 AM »
Just a suggestion: when someone says something that really pisses you off, don't hand them money.

Put the parts back down on the counter and say "On second thought, I'll order these parts online... from Japan. Rather than support a local business such as this."


"P.O. Debacle":,126692.msg1441661.html#msg1441661
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The Dragon:
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Branden's leak free top end thread:
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Gumtwo Seat Cover:,164440.msg1897366.html#msg1897366
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Sent from my Tandy TRS-80!

Offline dave500

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2011, 05:21:34 AM »
theres so many smart come backs you could say,,end of the day,,all us old honda riders are having more enjoyment and are in fact the nicest people you can meet !,ive never had that sort of unfortunate jealous crap,,id be really pissed of though,and put my purchase down and go elsewhere,(punch in the mouth is optional and only hurts the honda image),i can only report positive stories of buying bolts or bearings at good suppliers and someone salesman or other coming out and having a gander at my bike etc,even had some young kids once go "wow,how many pistons has it got?"just ignore hurtful people,its hard though.

Offline Skunk Stripe

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2011, 05:23:40 AM »
I woulda said, "Sorry, can't afford to get a bmw yet." Then if she said harley, It woulda been "I don't need another couch at home!"

Offline cookindaddy

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2011, 05:52:41 AM »
I just laughed my way through this thread. Funny!

Lots of clever comebacks from the group but in the end it would be best to leave it alone. There really is no cure for ignorance.

But I did agree with not giving money to a person who insults you.
George with a black 78 CB750K (in Lion's Head, Ontario, Canada)

Offline MoMo

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2011, 06:01:27 AM »
I just laughed my way through this thread. Funny!

Lots of clever comebacks from the group but in the end it would be best to leave it alone. There really is no cure for ignorance.

But I did agree with not giving money to a person who insults you.

Couldn't agree more, where I work the employee would have been terminated rather than suspended...Larry

Offline Radam

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2011, 06:04:23 AM »
There are a couple local places I don't go for this reason. Jerk faces don't deserve my hard earned money.

Offline Shoeboxjoe

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2011, 06:29:39 AM »
Living in Wisconsin I'm surrounded by Harley riders and constantly hear "When are you gonna buy a REAL bike?!" even from my friends that i frequently ride with. We all started riding on Hondas, they just gave into the ridicule while i went more Honda :)

I brought my bike to one of the larger Harley rallies last fall and every place i parked I would have a crowd of people follow me and gather around the bike all oohing and aahing and guessing what it was (it has tank decals that say 750Four and the HM wing logos along with the OEM HONDA engine covers!!). "What is that a triumph? No no, it's a Norton!" There are a few old timers that recognize and appreciate the bike though. The problem people are the young weekend warriors that bought into the whole Harley lifestyle and are walking advertisements... but to each their own, just leave me alone and let me ride my Honda.
1977 Honda CB750K Project IDK yet

SOLD 1976 Honda CB750K Cafe project

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Offline Gordon

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2011, 06:41:13 AM »

What ever happened to the old adage "The customer is ALWAYS right"?

What happened is far, far too many customers started taking that saying way too literally and expecting to be treated like royalty and given everything for free just for gracing the establishment with their mere presence.  And what's worse is too many think that saying gives them license to treat the employees like inbred scum.  They don't realize that being treated with respect is a two-way street. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way defending the idea of treating customers poorly.  The vast majority of those I come in contact with on a daily basis are very pleasant, but like with many other things in life, a few immature, maladjusted, self-important individuals can ruin a good thing for everybody else.   

The manager who helped you in that situation dealt with it well.  He turned what would have been a very negative experience for you into a pleasant one that will probably make you want to go back to that store. 
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 06:43:37 AM by Gordon »

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2011, 08:04:45 AM »
If that happened to me and I was in a fiesty mood I would have grabbed the floor manager and asked her to repeat the oh so funny phrase back for the manager.

What the manager said next would have determined my next move.

Luckily I haven't met stupid enough people that would actually say something so unfounded in logic to my face.

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Offline Magpie

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2011, 09:10:42 AM »
I would bet the manager would say something like "Call the police NOW, this guy is loosing control!"
Comments like in the first post are not worthy of a response other than "Can I speak to the manager?" and let him know your money is not coming into the store anymore and everyone you know will be prompted to stay away as well. Money talks louder than most things.

Offline noahspop

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2011, 09:15:08 AM »
but to each their own, just leave me alone and let me ride my Honda.

That about sums it up.

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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2011, 09:48:48 AM »
It always amazes me that the North American (yes Canadians too) public views out dated HD agricultural technology as the pinnacle of two wheeled pride. I like the suggestion of mentioning Porsches’ contribution to the all American classic. That might leave a little sour (kraut) taste in their mouths.  ;D
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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2011, 09:51:24 AM »
The next time a HD guy sez when are you gonna buy a real bike, ask to race him! You will probably leave him in the dust on any curvey course. They don't call them hogs for nothing.
"Just because you flush a boatload of money down the toilet, doesn't make the toilet worth more",  My Stepfather the Unknown Poet

1974 CB360T
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Re: ever been so mad at American Bike peope?
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2011, 12:52:32 PM »

What ever happened to the old adage "The customer is ALWAYS right"?

What happened is far, far too many customers started taking that saying way too literally and expecting to be treated like royalty and given everything for free just for gracing the establishment with their mere presence.  And what's worse is too many think that saying gives them license to treat the employees like inbred scum.  They don't realize that being treated with respect is a two-way street. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way defending the idea of treating customers poorly.  The vast majority of those I come in contact with on a daily basis are very pleasant, but like with many other things in life, a few immature, maladjusted, self-important individuals can ruin a good thing for everybody else.   

The manager who helped you in that situation dealt with it well.  He turned what would have been a very negative experience for you into a pleasant one that will probably make you want to go back to that store.

You know, I think you hit that nail right on the head. I think maybe greed and self importance has gotten too good of a foothold on too many people in this world.

As a matter of fact, I go to that Ace all the time now. If Eric(The manager) doesn't have what I need he tries to find it at another store or come up with something else that will work. He did get a promise out of me, he wants to see Rita when I get her back on the road, lolol.
1971 Honda CB750 K1 Chopper A.K.A. Rita

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