couple of problems with this whole thing
if u want the whole tron tail light fleda sources there LED strips from Radiatz. also there is a led strip called truflex.
the problem is both companies have patents or something on these waterproof super flexible led strips. it is not just a strip of leds either. its a digital led array. the leds are like little bricks and not the typical led you have in mind
its a 1 foot 100 led with 1mm spacing. i cant find anything on the internet that sells an led array that small of a strip, with that small of a spacing, with that many leds, that are that flexible, waterproof, and bright. ive checked all the chinese electronics stores that i know of and i cant find it anywhere.
so no matter what your looking at paying a premium. just using the parts on radiaz you can do the tail light for $200ish.
watch the fleda light closely does sell a single strip kit that has a center red and a left, right signal on the same strip but the left and right signal sections are not red like the tron one

the radiaz kit when the blinkers arnt blinking that section of the strip is off
the tron strip the whole strip is red and when you need to turn the section of red turns yellow and blinks
you can do this with all radiaz products though. u need a .5 foot strip of red leds, and 2x .25 foot sections of there integratorz strips (this strip has red and yellow in the same led, so like a dual color led) and put them on the sides of the .5 foot red section. also u need to get all the dual element circuits and drugz circuits
you wont have to pay the markup of fleda but its still $$$$$$$$$$$$$
hope this helps.... i really wanted to do the tron tail light the day i watched the movie.... but its just to expensive for me until i figure another cheaper clone