i bet you guys get tire questions all the time but ..............
i have a 1975 cb550k1
i am making it into a cafe bike (i will log and post my whole build after finals)
i want a very vintage of period LOOK it does not actually have to be tires actually made in that era or anything crazy like that
now i have 2 problems....
some cafe bikes i see have moderately fat very tall and either smooth straight line treads or dirt bike looking tread

other cafe bikes i see have very low profile and thin tires.....

so whats going on? i try to find actual period photos of the bikes which im having a hard time with and every other cafe pictures i see are modern spin offs of what cafe bikes look like now
so i was thinking about Firestone champion deluxe but i have no idea on measurements...

these tires are massive i dont want them that fat but the height is what i like
but this has like straight tread tall tires.....
i dont know what tires these are

but the very skinny low profile tires are sweet too

i also heard the dunlop tt100 k-81, k112 are good but its just hard for me to look up the tires the try and conceptualize them on the bike.....