Just to reinforce what's been said. Lowering the needles deeper into the jet orifice further restricts fuel flow making it leaner.
You may not be able to shim those needles enough to totally correct the operational alterations made with pods.
As to ugly... So then, looking at the bike with pods on it is more important than having the machine actually work right? Interesting priorities.

And, I don't think a gold picnic basket makes the contents taste any better than a plastic one, but both will work better than the cheapest paper bag on a rainy day.
Pods are cheap, which is the only reason why they are popular. Real racers don't use them at all. (But, they also rebuild engines after every race.) I see bikes with pods and see the entire bike cheapened to the same level as the kludged on components.
As a comparison; all that duct work in front of a jet engine is what enables the jet engine to make the power that it does. How many supersonic fighter jets have you seen with the engine fan blades out in the breeze? Duct and inlet design is about far more than just the entrance hole diameter.
Good luck!