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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2011, 01:09:20 PM »
Naahhh - I hear Chuck Norris just got back from a little vacation in Pakistan.

 :-X  ;D

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2011, 02:10:58 PM »
a little clarity here: "we" are not creating any martyrs. that scumbag being killed by any means (in the act of jihad) automatically propels him to martyrdom. how we react to his well deserved death has no impact on whether or not his many followers/supporters determine his worthiness to his 72 (likely under age) virgins.

and anyone to think we should (or could) do this quietly with nobody knowing probably should try watching less tv shows. this isn't the sapranos where bin laden just doesn't show up for work one day. there was a fire fight and the compound was destroyed for crying out loud! i think the jihadists might catch on that it was the u.s.  ::)

as for any concern this might inflame hatred towards the west i say perhaps it's time to get your head out of the sand. really, when someone has no problem strapping bombs to women and children, and flying planes into buildings, i'd say they're already pretty p!ssed off. the fundamentalists have been waging this war for many hundreds of years and they will only let up when the world worships as they do, or submits. fact.

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2011, 02:46:13 PM »
I want to see him!!!

You'll need a wet suit then ;D He's now doing what he did best.............

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2011, 02:50:27 PM »
i say bury his corpse in pig guts and send the video viral.

That would be an affront to all Muslims, not just the extremist nut cases.  Such an act would further incite a religious war entangling neutrals and pacifist Muslims, rather than just a terrorist war, and give fodder to the extremists who preach their religious beliefs are being attacked.

You are only supposed say good things about the dead.
He's dead, that's good.
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2011, 03:57:53 PM »
and anyone to think we should (or could) do this quietly with nobody knowing probably should try watching less tv shows. this isn't the sapranos where bin laden just doesn't show up for work one day. there was a fire fight and the compound was destroyed for crying out loud! i think the jihadists might catch on that it was the u.s.  ::)

You are kidding right...Gloating WILL inflame the extremists and also drag in a few more on the fringe of this type of extremism..We should be trying to set an example, not gloat as expected.....
An extreme reaction is not the way, all the chest beating in the world just justifies the view a lot of foreigners have of the US. It would be smart to go at this as "taking care of business" rather than carrying on like some people are {it did take 10 years after all}..... Simply thinking "we will do as we please and gloat, " isn't much better than the  attitude expressed by Bin Laden and co..... And once again, i am extremely pleased this parasite has been exterminated....
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Offline Ecosse

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2011, 04:30:06 PM »
You are kidding right...Gloating WILL inflame the extremists and also drag in a few more on the fringe of this type of extremism..

who said anything about gloating? seems you're more concerned with the feelings of murderous cowards than a people collectively trying to heal. 

An extreme reaction is not the way, all the chest beating in the world just justifies the view a lot of foreigners have of the US.

don't give a crap about what "the world" thinks of us. trying to win a popularity contest with a bunch of countries that have yet to get their act together is a joke. tell me, does any other country sit up nights worried that they're not as popular as they could be? that's political correctness cr@p. btw: we're disliked no less now than two years ago so where has all that globe trotting and public  prime time mia culpas gotten us?

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Offline Ecosse

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2011, 05:15:19 PM »
That would be an affront to all Muslims, not just the extremist nut cases.  Such an act would further incite a religious war entangling neutrals and pacifist Muslims, rather than just a terrorist war, and give fodder to the extremists who preach their religious beliefs are being attacked.

usually i'm not in favor of intentionally insulting the sensibilities of others but here are my thoughts on your... uh, thoughts.

1) generally speaking we in the west have absolutely bent over backwards proving to the muslim world we are not islamaphobes yet it's never, ever, good enough. more and more concessions are made in deference to islamic values at the cost of western cultural values. give them an inch and they take a mile and when we just fart wrong they take to the streets. fortunately, europe is waking up to this. i don't think this push for special treatment is representative of every muslim obviously but this trend is pervasive.

2) the so-called moderates prattle on how bin laden was not a true muslim, that his beliefs were contradictory to the teachings of the koran. so... if you buy into the 'moderate' narrative he wasn't a muslim. and his being buried in pig guts is no more insulting to islam than if i were buried in pig guts. they can't have it both ways. but the nut jobs do see him as a true muslim and i dearly love the idea of insulting my enemy. did we give a crap about insulting nazis?

3) how do you suppose we "would further incite a religious war entangling neutrals and pacifist muslims?" if the "neutrals and pacifists" engage in a holy war (over a non-muslim remember) i suppose they were neither neutral or pacifists to begin with.

4) even if we agree he was by all accounts a true muslim (not too reassuring for the 'moderate' narrative) then the ones who react with violence identify themselves as radical by their actions. peaceful muslims who protest a mass murders method of burial have misplaced priorities. a so called christian abortion clinic bomber (if they still exist) not given last rites would not get this much hand wringing.

there are those in the muslim community who are ticked off because they reject the notion that dumping bin laden's body in the drink was in keeping with islamic tradition. so much for appeasement.


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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2011, 05:15:50 PM »
Just a reminder to keep our disagreements civil.

One thing I might say about this is we have provided too much detail, again, about 'how' they got on to him; no telephone, no internet and oh, by the way, he burned trash rather than putting it out for collection. Nothing like instructing the next possible target on what NOT to do.
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2011, 05:20:44 PM »
Just a reminder to keep our disagreements civil.

One thing I might say about this is we have provided too much detail, again, about 'how' they got on to him; no telephone, no internet and oh, by the way, he burned trash rather than putting it out for collection. Nothing like instructing the next possible target on what NOT to do.

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Offline Ecosse

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2011, 05:21:04 PM »
point taken bob. sorry if i've stepped over the line. and i agree with your assessment regarding details of the operation. already there are conspiracy theorists on the right, i'm ashamed to say.

(that's not butt kissing by the way  ;D )
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2011, 05:44:14 PM »
I was watching Al Jazerra with an Egyptian I work with. He translated and a lot of the commentary was that Bin Laden was becoming less relevant to the youth considering the "Arab Spring" fueled by the young throughout the region. His brand of radicalism is not their agenda.

The U.S. pledged to run Bin Laden to ground and they did. The outcome is no surprise to anyone. Bin Laden misjudged the American mindset. There will be probably be more to come from the papers and files they found.   
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2011, 05:47:35 PM »
You are kidding right...Gloating WILL inflame the extremists and also drag in a few more on the fringe of this type of extremism..

who said anything about gloating? seems you're more concerned with the feelings of murderous cowards than a people collectively trying to heal. 

An extreme reaction is not the way, all the chest beating in the world just justifies the view a lot of foreigners have of the US.

don't give a crap about what "the world" thinks of us. trying to win a popularity contest with a bunch of countries that have yet to get their act together is a joke. tell me, does any other country sit up nights worried that they're not as popular as they could be? that's political correctness cr@p. btw: we're disliked no less now than two years ago so where has all that globe trotting and public  prime time mia culpas gotten us?

Bill, i don't wish to argue with you but you seem to be reading what you want and not what i am saying....I would love to know why you think i feel anything for those murderous bastards, i have already stated to the contrary, don't put words into my mouth please.
As far as the popularity contest goes, it ain't no joke , and it isn't just the countries that haven't got their act together.... It isn't PC crap, its about respecting the views of others and not being seen as an arrogant self centred "world police" thing that Bush & co was so elegantly pushing on EVERYONE. Some of the recent releases from wiki leaks just reinforces this completely. To criticise everything and compare everything to the US is just arrogant and by gloating and i mean gloating, its all over the news, live feeds don't lie man, will only make it worse.
You did see the consequences of the idiot priest that wanted to so publicly burn the Koran.? It directly resulted in the deaths of innocent westerners,{ and now the authorities are dealing with him}  It was even quoted by the Afghans that did the killing. This is what i was referring to. Maybe you should read the "art of war"  mate, its not about Political correctness, its about strategy and how you are viewed by your enemy, why fuel the fire, i just don't get it, its just react ional and not smart .......There WILL be revenge attacks, and you know inflaming the situation will make it worse so where's the common sense in that..?   And once again , i detest these hate filled minority morons that kill in the name of their imaginary friend and in no way condone their filth.
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2011, 07:56:11 PM »
Heard about the new Bin Laden Drink? .............. 2 shots and a splash of water
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2011, 08:07:40 PM »
someone posted this on FB. thought it was pretty funny.

I'm not catholic but they do put out some good messages now and then.

‎"Faced with the death of a man, a Christian never rejoices, but reflects on the serious responsibility of everyone before God and man, and hopes and pledges that every event is not an opportunity for a further growth of hatred, but of peace."
-- Vatican statement on death of Osama bin Laden
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2011, 03:54:42 AM »
Wonder what was going thru his head at the time of the attack? His backside.

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2011, 05:59:53 AM »
well said Ecosse.    i put on my political face in several other forums and it's not why i came here so i'll just leave it at that.   oh, and this:

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2011, 07:23:27 AM »
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2011, 07:54:37 AM »
So which hell has it's door open waiting for Osama?  The Christian Hell Or the Muslim Hell?  I'm confused.
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2011, 07:56:35 AM »
Dyanetics hell, you are forced to watch Battleship Earth in a continuous loop until Lord Xenu returns.
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2011, 09:26:24 AM »
That would be an affront to all Muslims, not just the extremist nut cases.  Such an act would further incite a religious war entangling neutrals and pacifist Muslims, rather than just a terrorist war, and give fodder to the extremists who preach their religious beliefs are being attacked.

usually i'm not in favor of intentionally insulting the sensibilities of others but here are my thoughts on your... uh, thoughts.

1) generally speaking we in the west have absolutely bent over backwards proving to the muslim world we are not islamaphobes yet it's never, ever, good enough. more and more concessions are made in deference to islamic values at the cost of western cultural values. give them an inch and they take a mile and when we just fart wrong they take to the streets. fortunately, europe is waking up to this. i don't think this push for special treatment is representative of every muslim obviously but this trend is pervasive.

2) the so-called moderates prattle on how bin laden was not a true muslim, that his beliefs were contradictory to the teachings of the koran. so... if you buy into the 'moderate' narrative he wasn't a muslim. and his being buried in pig guts is no more insulting to islam than if i were buried in pig guts. they can't have it both ways. but the nut jobs do see him as a true muslim and i dearly love the idea of insulting my enemy. did we give a crap about insulting nazis?

3) how do you suppose we "would further incite a religious war entangling neutrals and pacifist muslims?" if the "neutrals and pacifists" engage in a holy war (over a non-muslim remember) i suppose they were neither neutral or pacifists to begin with.

4) even if we agree he was by all accounts a true muslim (not too reassuring for the 'moderate' narrative) then the ones who react with violence identify themselves as radical by their actions. peaceful muslims who protest a mass murders method of burial have misplaced priorities. a so called christian abortion clinic bomber (if they still exist) not given last rites would not get this much hand wringing.

there are those in the muslim community who are ticked off because they reject the notion that dumping bin laden's body in the drink was in keeping with islamic tradition. so much for appeasement.

So, by your reasoning, no true Christian, casual, moderate, or zealot, would be upset or incensed if President Clinton, President Bush, or the Pope was buried with an upside down Pentagram tattooed on their foreheads, right?

Your own words show that you have already been incensed by Muslims as a class, enough to show specific insult in a very anti-Muslim way.  How is your intention any different than the impetus behind the Crusades?

I'm not a religious person, and don't care much how a dead body is disposed of.  So, I do not believe you can insult a dead person, only the living.  Burying in pig guts doesn't insult Bin Laden, only believers in the Muslim religion.  Such an act demonstrates your hatred of all Muslims, be they terrorist, or not, and hardly puts you on any higher plane of existence.  It certainly helps solidify a wall between ideologies.  Just the willingness to desecrate the bodies of your enemies (perceived or real) is enough to rally some against you and what you stand for.  If this intent is "not not in favor of intentionally insulting the sensibilities of others", particularly Muslims, what is? 

Please explain how "burying in pig guts" is also "bending over backwards, proving to the Muslim world we are not Islamaphobes."?

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2011, 09:35:38 AM »
So, not a one of you is pissed about this?

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2011, 09:37:38 AM »
News to me.  Dayam, that is CLOSE!
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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2011, 09:59:48 AM »
So, not a one of you is pissed about this?

Pissed, sure but to anyone who really follows international affairs this is not anything new.  Some in the Pakistani Intelligence service and military have had ties to Al Qaeda since day one.  We have been having to eat this sh!t sandwich for decades because of Pakistan's location next to Afghanistan and the fact they have nukes that have to be kept out the hand of the wrong people.  Take those two things away and we wouldn't have to give a crap about that place and we could let India deal with them.

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #48 on: May 03, 2011, 10:00:55 AM »
Until I know the REAL story of what REALLY happened at that compound it is hard to get angry.

But, I am sure none of us will never know the real, true story of what happened there and who was allegedly killed there or not.

Tough to get angry about a 'trust us on this one' scenario.

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Re: FBI got there most wanted
« Reply #49 on: May 03, 2011, 10:07:33 AM »
I am sure they knew he was there. I am sure they heard the commotion over a 40 minute period. You cannot sneak up on people with Blackhawks anyway.

The Pakistanis knew the jig was up and figured he was not worth the trouble so let the Americans have him.
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