That would be an affront to all Muslims, not just the extremist nut cases. Such an act would further incite a religious war entangling neutrals and pacifist Muslims, rather than just a terrorist war, and give fodder to the extremists who preach their religious beliefs are being attacked.
usually i'm not in favor of intentionally insulting the sensibilities of others but here are my thoughts on your... uh, thoughts.
1) generally speaking we in the west have absolutely bent over backwards proving to the muslim world we are not islamaphobes yet it's never, ever, good enough. more and more concessions are made in deference to islamic values at the cost of western cultural values. give them an inch and they take a mile and when we just fart wrong they take to the streets. fortunately, europe is waking up to this. i don't think this push for special treatment is representative of every muslim obviously but this trend is pervasive.
2) the so-called moderates prattle on how bin laden was not a true muslim, that his beliefs were contradictory to the teachings of the koran. so... if you buy into the 'moderate' narrative he wasn't a muslim. and his being buried in pig guts is no more insulting to islam than if i were buried in pig guts. they can't have it both ways. but the nut jobs do see him as a true muslim and i dearly love the idea of insulting my enemy. did we give a crap about insulting nazis?
3) how do you suppose we "would further incite a religious war entangling neutrals and pacifist muslims?" if the "neutrals and pacifists" engage in a holy war (over a non-muslim remember) i suppose they were neither neutral or pacifists to begin with.
4) even if we agree he was by all accounts a true muslim (not too reassuring for the 'moderate' narrative) then the ones who react with violence identify themselves as radical by their actions. peaceful muslims who protest a mass murders method of burial have misplaced priorities. a so called christian abortion clinic bomber (if they still exist) not given last rites would not get this much hand wringing.
there are those in the muslim community who are ticked off because they reject the notion that dumping bin laden's body in the drink was in keeping with islamic tradition. so much for appeasement.
So, by your reasoning, no true Christian, casual, moderate, or zealot, would be upset or incensed if President Clinton, President Bush, or the Pope was buried with an upside down Pentagram tattooed on their foreheads, right?
Your own words show that you have already been incensed by Muslims as a class, enough to show specific insult in a very anti-Muslim way. How is your intention any different than the impetus behind the Crusades?
I'm not a religious person, and don't care much how a dead body is disposed of. So, I do not believe you can insult a dead person, only the living. Burying in pig guts doesn't insult Bin Laden, only believers in the Muslim religion. Such an act demonstrates your hatred of all Muslims, be they terrorist, or not, and hardly puts you on any higher plane of existence. It certainly helps solidify a wall between ideologies. Just the willingness to desecrate the bodies of your enemies (perceived or real) is enough to rally some against you and what you stand for. If this intent is "not not in favor of intentionally insulting the sensibilities of others", particularly Muslims, what is?
Please explain how "burying in pig guts" is also "bending over backwards, proving to the Muslim world we are not Islamaphobes."?