Author Topic: no headlight, and no power going to it,  (Read 722 times)

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Offline honda750k

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no headlight, and no power going to it,
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:14:10 AM »
I need some serious help now,  I'm finally kicking myself into gear on my 75 CB400F,  I have no power to the headlight, or fuse at the block(which is partially melted due to some moron using tinfoil and "fixing" a blown fuse on the headlight circuit.   

at this point, I suspect a melted wire necessitating replacement of the harness, or possibly just rewiring.   

before I start tearing my hair out, is this a common issue or is it a result of stupid?
These bikes dont die, they hibernate until the right person wakes them up again.

Offline DarcyCB400F

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Re: no headlight, and no power going to it,
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 08:32:16 AM »
A very common problem with the headlight not working is due to a faulty starter button... the power to the headlight runs thru the starter switch so that the power from the battery can give it's full attention to the the starting function... once you release pressure on the starter button, power is restored to the headlight.

The first place to look is the starter button after checking fuses of course!

Here is a very good wiring diagram... pm me if you would like a hi def version...
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