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Well you don't have to twist my arm too much. I suppose I'll join in. And Tipper, I'm here for good!
I nominate Ringo's beauty...
Love the colour scheme, reminds me of my mates new bike.
What's the matter Sam? Is pink more your color?
Quote from: TipperT on May 06, 2011, 05:49:32 AMWhat's the matter Sam? Is pink more your color? Now don't go loosing your hair with me and hiding under that daft hat and mask. pink indeed Sam.
Quote from: SamCB750A on May 06, 2011, 04:23:32 AMLove the colour scheme, reminds me of my mates new bike. that thing's cool! Don't tell them I used their logo...I don't feel like being sued.
Hey I'm going to bow out. Thinkin' it would be pretty awesome to have a battle of the 400s. Y'all can nominate me sometime down the road if you're still interested!
jessezm needs to bring his backside in here and accept like a big boy!
Can't somebody nominate me during a month where there aren't a bunch of more impressive machines on the list???I humbly accept, though I warn you Rick B spent way more time and money on his!!!Haha, you guys are great.