Author Topic: Honda V45 Sabre Purchase - Any Gremlins Under the Skin?  (Read 5320 times)

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Honda V45 Sabre Purchase - Any Gremlins Under the Skin?
« on: April 13, 2011, 07:39:37 PM »
Guys, I've just been offered a complete 1982 V45 Sabre for $300. I wanted one of these back in 1982 when they came out, but I was up to my neck with raising a family and managing a very demanding career. Simply put - I could not afford payments nor risk getting hurt, so it never even came close to discussion with the wife.... Now 30 years later, my kids are on their own and my wife dosn't seem to mind what I do as long as the insurance premiums are paid-up :)

This of course will have to be torn down, powdercoated, all rubbers and fasteners replaced/refinished, and new seals, wiring, and hundreds of other little things to make it nice and something I can enjoy having. Are there any issues/concerns I need to know about? This is the early model, so are there any self-destruct parts in the engine that I should run away from? It's newer than what I normally look for, but it is a bike that found me and one that I wanted back in 1982.....

Inputs appreciated. Gordon
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Re: Honda V45 Sabre Purchase - Any Gremlins Under the Skin?
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 12:13:55 AM »
Didn't the V45 and V65 have cam oiling issues?
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Re: Honda V45 Sabre Purchase - Any Gremlins Under the Skin?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 12:17:58 AM »
The early Honda V4's were known for chewing up cams. There was an oil problem in the head at slow engine speeds around town, there could have also been cam chain problems as well because second and third generation engines had gear driven cams.
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Re: Honda V45 Sabre Purchase - Any Gremlins Under the Skin?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 08:32:41 PM »
I'm a little partial to the V4s. I guess it depends on the condition to start with. In GREAT shape, the small sabres are selling for $1500-$2000. If the gauges are toast then that will be a drawback because there are very few of them around, kind of like the big sabre gauges.

The early (82 & 83) V4 cams were made of a soft alloy and with a low oil quantity at low rpms, they were known to pit. In 84 honda changed the metal which pretty much eliminated the problem. There are a couple oil mods you can install that takes filtered oil in larger quantities to the heads that run from $175-$275.

The second gear issue is a deal breaker! Ride it hard from low rpms up to redline in second a several times to check it. Like any high horse bike you have to make solid second gear shifts or you'll eat the gear dogs up. The gears can be rebuilt but it ain't cheap and its a lot of work to replace them. BTDT

If you like the bike and don't care about what its worth then the 700/750 are good bikes but not much in resale. The 65 magna is about the only one that you can make any real money off of. Many times you can find a running V65 Sabre for well under a grand. They are all fun to ride and, much against the majority opinion, handle pretty well. They are relatively top heavy but the fun factor is high.
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Re: Honda V45 Sabre Purchase - Any Gremlins Under the Skin?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 04:20:38 AM »
Update, my $300 V45 Sabre didn't happen. I went with trailer in tow and realized I'd mixed his personal bike (an 82) with the for sale 1984 700. I have absolutely no interest in a 700 and the face I want to look at is the square gauge style of the 1982/83 750s. The 84 had round ones.

I now have a 1983 750 that I've just bought and have to wait to have it delivered. 11,000 mile example and will be a fun project.

Thanks for the inputs. Gordon
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Re: Honda V45 Sabre Purchase - Any Gremlins Under the Skin?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2011, 05:44:48 PM »
'78 CB750K
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