I've been working on my '73 500 in my 1 car garage, and man have I been strapped for space! A couple of weeks ago I had my engine opened up down to the cases sitting on my workbench in the back of the garage while I painted some parts towards the front - almost out of the garage. I thought I would be fine, but apparently I got some overspray of primer and paint on my cases.
The good news if that it was just Rustoleum spray paint, and since everything still had a fine oil film on it it seems to be coming off ok.
So, my point is this: While I'm cleaning everything off today, is there anything in particular I should pay extra special attention to? I'm not worried about most of the actual internal pieces in the engine like clutch, oil pump, etc because they are all bagged and sitting on shelves elsewhere.
It's pretty much just the cases, crank, primary shaft, transmission shafts, primary chain and cam chain. Should I look for anything nasty when I start her up in a couple weeks? I'll be doing a handful of short interval oil changes, so I feel OK, but I just want to make extra sure.