Author Topic: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build *new completed pics!*  (Read 33581 times)

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Offline jaguar

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #100 on: June 11, 2011, 10:49:31 AM »
brooklyn hipsters are doing the same....

Offline Syscrush

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #101 on: June 12, 2011, 03:40:02 PM »
For every hipster walking a brakeless pink & yellow bike with no foot retention along the sidewalk as an excuse to wear a vintage messenger bag, there's some 50 lbs overweight poseur with an all-carbon Trek hanging in his living room.

FFS, I don't understand the disdain between different subsets of the same small subculture.  The guy who sold me my bike said it best IMO.

Me: "I hope I don't look like too much of a poseur as a fat guy with grey hair riding around on a fixie."
Him: "There's no such thing as a poseur.  Buy what you like, ride it, and be happy."
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FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #102 on: June 12, 2011, 03:56:26 PM »
Ok.. Now that the hipster debate is over, time for a little update. Def kinda bummed as I'm still without my tank but Ive been promised I would have it tomorrow so we'll see.

So Friday night I decided it was time to put my big boy pants on and do some cutting in prep for the new rear section.. I picked up a section of 1 inch pipe today and I'm hoping and can find someone to bend it up for me this week..

I spent today waiting like a 10 year old on Christmas for my tank, so I figured I would put my front brake system back on. I had to replace the big flathead that that caliper floats on so after I found a good replacement I got everything buttoned up

I also put a bunch of my new stainless Allens on the motor and tidied up a few other little things.. Hope to have some good progress this week for sure.

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #103 on: June 12, 2011, 04:12:15 PM »
Nice progress.  Sorry for my part in the threadjack.

For future reference, the person who can bend that tubing for you can probably also sell it to you.

Also, did you get pipe or tubing?  I would think you'd want tubing for this, probably not pipe.
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FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #104 on: June 12, 2011, 06:17:55 PM »
Ahaha all good dude.. Honestly I just can't stand people using the "hipster" label for what seems to be everything these days.. Kinda the reason I took a step back from VW scene for a bit, and a big part of the reason I found myself really drawn to this community. I guess it's everywhere though and it's to be expected I spose.. Yes I have tattoos, ride a fixed, where fitted jeans and gasp! Even hoodies.. I also rent a 3000 sq foot workspace, do 90 percent of my own work, and if Im not doing it myself I'm watching and learning... All with my own hard earned money.  Thats the end of my rant.

Anywho.. Yes it is in fact tube, only reason I picked it up is because I was at sears hardware and they had 3ft sections of 1inch OD weldable for 6 beans.. Figured what the heck :)

Offline Bakeoff

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #105 on: June 12, 2011, 09:40:01 PM »
Do I spy some yellow Diamond Racing wheels in the background? 

She's coming along nicely, man!

Offline Syscrush

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #106 on: June 13, 2011, 06:52:40 AM »
Do I spy some yellow Diamond Racing wheels in the background? 
Looks more like white trailer wheels with a yellow dropsheet over 'em to me.

She's coming along nicely, man!
AGREED 100%!!!
Life is precious: wear your f'n helmet!
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FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #107 on: June 13, 2011, 07:02:41 AM »
Ahaha all good dude.. Honestly I just can't stand people using the "hipster" label for what seems to be everything these days.. Kinda the reason I took a step back from VW scene for a bit, and a big part of the reason I found myself really drawn to this community. I guess it's everywhere though and it's to be expected I spose.. Yes I have tattoos, ride a fixed, where fitted jeans and gasp! Even hoodies..
Let's get together at a Deerhoof concert sometime soon. :)

Anywho.. Yes it is in fact tube, only reason I picked it up is because I was at sears hardware and they had 3ft sections of 1inch OD weldable for 6 beans.. Figured what the heck :)
Life is precious: wear your f'n helmet!
There's nothing more expensive than a free bike...
FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #108 on: June 13, 2011, 07:15:11 PM »
Amped. Not quite done yet but I love it already.

Offline jaguar

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #109 on: June 13, 2011, 07:41:45 PM »
I really like the color.
Something other then black could be really cool on the frame too.


Offline Flying J

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #110 on: June 13, 2011, 10:58:34 PM »
I like it. are you going to pen stripe the tank?

Offline Syscrush

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #111 on: June 14, 2011, 03:45:52 AM »
Amped. Not quite done yet but I love it already.
As you should.  Very nice!
Life is precious: wear your f'n helmet!
There's nothing more expensive than a free bike...
FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #112 on: June 14, 2011, 06:30:34 AM »
I like it. are you going to pen stripe the tank?

We played around with some pinstriping tape last night just to get some ideas.. id def like to do something but im not sure if the kid who painted it and I are on the same page style wise.. we'll see what happens I guess. I also have to figure out what to do with the badges. as you can see i sandblasted them because the paint was really beat up.. not sure how i want them to look now.. ahahhaa

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #113 on: June 14, 2011, 08:56:23 AM »
Well looking at the bianchi bikes the logo is always in black so that  solves the color of the badge. Black pinstripe would really set the 2 colors apart but is a huge contrast between the light green and the white and might be overpowering so i would go with a grey. Thats just my 2 cents after looking at a few bianchi bikes.

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #114 on: June 14, 2011, 09:20:03 AM »
yeah its tuff.. alot of the newer bianchis actually have metal badging with black accents, while the older ones, which is alot closer to the color of my bike have red accents.. i had some red pinstiping kicking around so thats what we were playing with. I have to say it looked pretty rad  :o

Offline Bakeoff

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #115 on: June 14, 2011, 12:02:30 PM »
Isn't getting the tank and side covers painted about the best feeling in the world?  You feel like you've finally accomplished something.  The next big one is finishing the frame.  That's when I stalled out for a while on the motor.  But get it back to a roller and you swear the clouds part and you can hear angels singing.  lol 

Keep up the good work, man!

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #116 on: June 15, 2011, 08:14:43 PM »
Pretty funny update.. After trying and failing miserably at trying to bend my own rear hoop last night, there I sat alone in my shop feeling very defeated. With one last sigh I sat back in my chair when all the sudden.. It came to me. It was like the motorcycle gods where smiling down on me guiding me to the answer..  :P  at this point I was super tired so I decided it was a better idea to go home and think about my plan of attack..

What I really love about this is not only is donor part bike related, I think it really pays tribute to the cafe do it yourself roots. And it's just really funny that after all the fussing around trying to make my own this was sitting here under my nose the whole time..

Enter swing arm stand..

Cut the hoop off and put some angle on it to give it a bit of and up sweep..

At this point I needed to cap the ends of the frame where I had trimmed

From there I went ahead and got it welded on.. The 2 outside edges literally lined up perfectly while the inner edges where larger then the thin shaped frame arms. I cut some small pieces of thin gauge to mold the edges in. This is how they came out.


All in all I'm pretty freakin happy with how it came out.. Plus its just a fun little convo piece.... And it was free  :)

Offline Flying J

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #117 on: June 16, 2011, 08:50:40 AM »
OK 2 questions.
Are those the rubber dust seals from Dime city?
What is the bolt in the face of the caliper for?

Offline Flying J

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #118 on: June 16, 2011, 08:52:06 AM »
Oh and that hard line is supposed to run on the inside of the fork not around the outside.

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #119 on: June 16, 2011, 09:09:40 AM »
dust boots are from 750supply

and the "bolt" on the outside of the caliper is an access port to the backside of the piston.. i would assume its there in cases of trying to get a siezed piston out of the caliper..

thanks for the heads up on the line

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #120 on: June 16, 2011, 09:15:24 AM »
Looking very nice indeed.  Good work.  Really like the way that rear hoop turned out, will have to keep my eyes open for something hiding in plain site myself.
'75 550F - Resto/mod - Riding - But never really finished...
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Offline Syscrush

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #121 on: June 16, 2011, 10:12:33 AM »
Pretty funny update..

All in all I'm pretty freakin happy with how it came out.. Plus its just a fun little convo piece.... And it was free  :)
That is funny and cool, but it's only free if the stand was already garbage.  Around here, a tube bender from Harbor Freight costs less than a good rearstand... ;)

It is cool how it worked out, though! :)
Life is precious: wear your f'n helmet!
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FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #122 on: June 16, 2011, 11:00:37 AM »
stand is still 100% functional which is a plus as well...  ;) It was actually Given to me by the guy in the video of the bike running  way back in my first post.. needless to say he was ALL about the idea of using the hoop off it which i thought was awesome..

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #123 on: June 16, 2011, 11:16:34 AM »
Fair enough.  But I still think you should fit a cheap cafe tail to the rearstand now. ;)
Life is precious: wear your f'n helmet!
There's nothing more expensive than a free bike...
FWIW, I'm not a shill for Race Tech - I've just got a thing for good suspension and the RTCE's are the most cost-effective mod for these old damping rod front ends.

Offline Bunicula

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Re: Here goes nothin.. a 550 build
« Reply #124 on: June 16, 2011, 08:08:03 PM »
Well bud I hope this is what you had in mind  :P

I really like the shape of it and can't wait to start welding!

I got the seat pan mocked up pretty well but Ill be doing a bit more shaping once it's bolted down. Def hoping to get this done over the weekend.