Pretty funny update.. After trying and failing miserably at trying to bend my own rear hoop last night, there I sat alone in my shop feeling very defeated. With one last sigh I sat back in my chair when all the sudden.. It came to me. It was like the motorcycle gods where smiling down on me guiding me to the answer..

at this point I was super tired so I decided it was a better idea to go home and think about my plan of attack..
What I really love about this is not only is donor part bike related, I think it really pays tribute to the cafe do it yourself roots. And it's just really funny that after all the fussing around trying to make my own this was sitting here under my nose the whole time..
Enter swing arm stand..
Cut the hoop off and put some angle on it to give it a bit of and up sweep..

At this point I needed to cap the ends of the frame where I had trimmed

From there I went ahead and got it welded on.. The 2 outside edges literally lined up perfectly while the inner edges where larger then the thin shaped frame arms. I cut some small pieces of thin gauge to mold the edges in. This is how they came out.

All in all I'm pretty freakin happy with how it came out.. Plus its just a fun little convo piece.... And it was free