I can not get the clutch lifter system to push the clutch rod. I have done all the adjustments from lever to the little ball bearing. Lever, cable, clutch adjuster...ball bearing all OK. Then I put the whole plate back on, pull the lever, at first there is a little resistance, then nothing. I back off on the adjuster it kind of resets when I tighten, then again pulling the lever a little resistance and nothing. On top of this, the thing now is stuck in 1st gear and won't pop out if that. The bike is mint, motor runs great...the whole thing was up and running till I pulled in the clutch lever while riding. I have not gone into the right clutch side yet...don't want to get ahead of the problem and make more work. Seems like the bearing is hitting the clutch rod... and something in the lifter mechanism is off where the adjusting cam and clutch ball retainer mesh. Or the clutch rod is locked up some how. Do not know why it's stuck in 1st . Help!!!!