The bike is almost finished, just waiting on the muffler from Lossa Engineering to arrive and then it can be tuned up and sent off for a roadworthy inspection. I can't wait to get it home and then get out on it.
Meanwhile I have been setting up my new work shed wit the intention of starting another bike. Today I bought this very heavy steel framed workbench on swivel wheels that has a vice fitted and a platform off one side for a bench grinder. This will be my engine building work station, once I clean it up.
Why would I need to build an engine when I have a bike almost finished I hear you say? Because I have caught the bug and I am now considering taking this bike on as my next project.
Here is what I know about the bike in the above photo.
1/. It is currently in America.
2/. It will be going into a container with a bunch of old cars and coming to Australia by September.
3/. I have first option on buying it.
4/. This is the only photo the guy I know who is bringing it over has of it.
5/. I think it is a Honda.
What I do not is:
1/. What model it is.
2/. What year it is.
3/. What condition it is in.
If someone can ID it from the photo that would be useful, at first glance from my untrained eye I think it is a CB350, but the head looks funny to me.
I promise photos of my finished bike soon.