Small hiccup, I started to make a new harness on my build and deleted a lead to the coil, as it got fully tucked behind the housing once reinstalled making it out of sight and mind. It didn't get tracked down till I wasn't getting spark. The wire in question was black with white stripe, inwhich I gave it 12v switched and started right up.
After giving that lead 12v's, I'm having battery drain after 5 minutes once started/idle, so I checked the spark polarity using an analog volt meter and found it to be reversed (backwards). Apparently you can run a coil backwards and run the motor ~fine, however as I hear you will discharge the system draining the battery.
So, I gave that lead, - , and spark what so ever (I took the lead straight to the battery to insure -). So this is what I got:
'73 Honda CL175 Scrambler
Thumb : Goes from coil to capacitor (blue, nylon wrapped)
Pointer Finger: Goes from capacitor to points (blue, nylon wrapped)
Middle Finger: When given 12v starts, when -: nothing (black with white stripe)
I had labeled the 2 nylon wires pre-hand before tear down (cap and point leads). They both have reach within reason to be swapped with each other however not going to happen till I hear a go ahead as I don't wanna fry anything (only thing I can think), however all my labeling matches up.
*EDIT: While I'm @ it, I might as well verify spark wire(s) are accordingly:
Right Hand Side Spark Plug Wire: (being the closest in the picture, middle finger on it) goes to left side of motor
Left Hand Side Spark Plug Wire: (being next to the frame) goes to the right side of motor
They do cross over each other, sounds weird, but that's how they lay/relax/have been heat formed so seen correct.
Are they correct?