Hello Im Wesley, a recent NorCal transplant from sunny SoCal. I just recently stumbled across a craigslist barn find of '76 and '77 cb550's and picked both of the bikes up for the grand total of $300. Both are just rollers and only one engine turns over. I wanted to start a project that would make me really learn, be challenged and enjoy taking for beginning to end. I have ridden dirt bikes most of my life and have always wanted to have a street bike but finances never worked out. Now I have recently graduated from college and now work in retail logistics, I have the time and money for a little project. I am hoping to do this on a shoestring budget and just enjoy building a bike. I have always been a fan of vintage flat track bikes, and my Dad was a semi-pro ( if there is such a thing ? ) flat track racer in the bay area back in the early 70's, so my idea for my build is leaning to a "brat tracker" look. I have learned so much on this forum just by lurking and now I hope to get through this build and hopefully be able to glean some insight from people on here.
Thanks for letting me into your fun!