ffjmoore - Nice bike, sorry to read the part about the DMV...Can you get it registered as an antique and bypass all the BS?
A few years ago, my g/f decided she wanted to learn how to ride...And it just so happen my next door neighbor had a CB125s tucked away in his garage that needed a bit 'o work. So after some haggling, and back and forth nonsense to get the title notarized, got it for her, and after a good weekend's work, had it running.

Eventually it got sold on ebay for the amount of the sale + parts, and then she replaced it with a new Honda Rebel.
One funny story that did happen with that bike - Right after I got it running, took it out for a shakedown ride...Everything's going okay, but then start feeling a low rumble, which slowly got louder, and was there thinking "Oh great, there's something wrong with the bottom end of the motor...and she just got this thing and she's really looking forward to riding it..."
Keep in mind, was wearing a full face helmet which makes stuff quieter than it really is...Then the rumble started getting LOUD and LOUDER...At this point, I am going "Wait a minute, the motor isn't losing power at all - the throttle/tach is zinging up and down pretty smooth..." The bike was responding just fine, but a ton of noise...
Then a huge shadow comes over the bike. I look up and see the underside of the Commemorative Air Force's B-24!! Turned out the flight path to Wheeler Airport was overhead...