?Stock? 78 750K, 4200 at 60 mph.
That's about what I get with a 16 x 38, 630 and 17 inch wheel on my 77 K.
I'm not sure if I could get a 17 front sprocket on, there's not much room left in there.
Approx 80kph/50mph in first, about 2600 at 60kph/37mph, 100kph/60mph 4200, 160kph/100mph at somewhere between 6500 and 7500, depending on when you look at it.
Was even taller with the 18 inch wheel. 2200 at 37mph, 3800 at 60mph, 100mph at 6000.
At least I don't have to worry about unexpected wheelstands.
(above results were obtained using 35+ year old Honda instruments of unknown history).
Too tall for regular two-up riding, IMO. I'm 70kg and rarely go two-up. Can't go over 6000 (speed limit in first gear,) unless I'm on the highway.