Day 12 Sunday 10/17/2010 Head to The Keys - YESSSSSSSSS

Awakening Coming to Oh hell the best we can do is "stumble out of bed". You ever "stumble out of bed"? Next best thing to crawling from the bed to the bathroom. Great night but can I function?! Always do, here goes. Nothing like a brief half hour hot shower, huh?! Hit the beach to recover with a long stroll and down time. Hell, I may actually be alive. Time to pack 'em. We "sneak" out the fire exit to the alley where we hope our bikes might be. Don't really want to deal with the bellhop. Load up the bikes and push them to the street in anticipation of waking Miami Beach

How about a fancy breakfast for the road. We're done and we're off. Those beautiful young sweet things that probably have only been in bed a few hours (with the exception of a few that just got here last night and stayed out all night and are still drunkern #$%*) need to get up and start over anyway. Fukem, crank em up. We roar to life and head south over Biscayne Bay. Cruise ships line the port by the causeway. There is Lebron's new home, the whateveritiscalled Miami Arena. Through the town, not much traffic. We're following US1. I've never been on this stretch and I can see why. Will this ever end?! Where is I-95 and why aren't we on it?! All the times I'd been in S Florida heading to the Keys we never even thought about Miami except to bypass it for a straight shot to Margaritaville, Conch Republic via I-95, the Florida Turnpike and the Overseas Highway. It's been a while but my memories are still fresh: salt water on both sides, deep sea fishing, scuba diving off Tavenier and Islamorada, Alligator Reef, the Coast Guard cutters Duane and Bibb at 135', the wreck of the Eagle at 120', seaside bars on each key, Seven Mile Grill, The lower Keys with the old road that had railroad rails (from the old railroad that was detroyed by a hurricane ) welded in place as guard rails and the new old road (not to be confused with the somewhat current new road) at Bahia Honda Key that was built
on top of the defunct railroad bridge, etc. Dreaming of times gone by is good. Traffic is not so good and I'd really like to get out of that #$%*!! Won't do this again!!
DISASTER STRIKES!! Just north of Homestead on US1 in stop and go traffic light to traffic light I'm in the left hand lane approaching another light. Howard is in the right lane which is clearing up. He is just about to clear the traffic light. I need to merge into the right hand lane. I'm moving slowly. I look over my right shoulder. It's clear enough to make a move. I turn the bars slightly to the right, look back ahead and the damn car in front of me has stopped or almost stopped. FUK! I tap the front brake. That wasn't a good thing to do. The front wheel locks and crosses up and does a 90 degree turn to the right which stops my bike in it's tracks! DOWN I GO. It happened quick. I remember thinking OH #$%*! I hear the passing lamp scraping metal on the rough pavement. I remember hearing the Lexan windshield scraping on the rough pavement. I DON'T remember hearing my skin scraping on the rough pavement but it did! It was quick and painless but only a few feet as that big ass front tire wouldn't allow much sliding! I dropped on my right side and it was over. Of course no helmet or protective gear other than a T-Shirt, Jeans and Nikes. First thing I did was look up for oncoming cars about to cream my downed ass. No one was going fast enough to present a problem. The lady in the right hand lane pulled over to the right shoulder. The guy in the pickup truck behind me pulled over to the left and got out. I had already attempted to get out from under 900lbs of loaded Harley but was not able. My right foot was stuck under all that weight and I knew better than to force the issue. I calmly told him I was OK and asked if he could lift up my bike so I could get my foot out. Real nice guy but didn't have a clue about the weight of a loaded Harley or how to go about lifting it. I instructed him how to and he got it up enough for my foot to come out. I'd say less than 30 seconds so far. I immediately thought I should get the bike up and out of the street so I pop it right up. Amazing what you can do with 900lb when you're embarassed

About now Howard has heard the cars honking for him and realized I'm down and heads back to me running while I'm raising the Titanic. I reassure him I'm OK and attempt to start the bike. Something about this it doesn't like. Perhaps the lean angle sensor. Oh #$%*, it's not starting, nothing, and I'm 2500 miles from home. Nothing broken on me, sore yes. I gotta ride, we're almost at the turn around and this #$%* can not happen! If your computer doesn't work, reboot it! I turn the ignition off then back on. It fires! Hallalujah!! BUT, what's that red #$%* on my grip?! Dammit!! That's me, I'm bleeding. Get the hell outta there before any authorities show up and ruin our ride, seriously. The bike runs and I'm not broken. Didn't hit anyone so why stick around! It's MY problem only. We ride a little farther down and stop at a convenience store. Time to assess the damage. Rinse off my hand and elbow, road rash on the more obvious uncovered areas. Deep but I didn't look close enough to see bones only because I didn't want to see that. A couple chunks gone but I've been damaged and beat up before. I can still sit and ride. Wipe it off and put on a number of Band Aids. Out to the bike for damage control. Looking at minor but expensive rideable bike damage I realize my Nike was almost ripped off and there is a little blood on my foot, my knee is ripped up some and bleeding, and shoulder took a hit. Looks like I'll put on my riding boots now, eh?! especially since I only have one good shoe. Howard is far more concerned than I and I appreciate that but we have riding to do. My foot board is dangling off. I have boots on now. Lets ride! I'm not letting something that didn't kill me mess up our ride! Gives me something to think about now other than all those old memories that I had racing though my mind prior to this. Rock and roll tentatively. A few miles ahead is the Overseas Highway and we're on the way.
Pictures at 11 on the next installment.