Man, I'm really stuck on this.
Nice fresh laced wheels always look good but never look distinctive. That's not any kind of slag, I just want something that sets my bike apart and the right wheels can make or break a custom bike.
Astralites are just not available. We have a guy here with a set who refuses to sell them and in any case there are 2-3 guys in line ahead of me.
CB1100 wheels are way, way too much money for what they are. If I could find local inexpensive used/aftermarket options for the cush drive, sprocket, and rotors then it would almost make sense, but it doesn't appear that I can.
Lesters are available at prices I can afford, but they don't really turn my crank. Plus they look a bit too much like the stock XS wheels.
XS wheels can look really great, but they're a bit common and apparently are really heavy.
New Marchesinis and other comparable wheels are only available in 17", which looks wrong on the CB IMO.
I've been looking for some nice forged wheels in Harley sizes, but the stuff made for the Harley crowd is generally really garish and/or dated looking (seems that they fired their CNC programmers in 1993), and stupid expensive.
Kimtab mags are cool, but look too busy for the build I have planned.
If you were looking for cool wheels for a CB500 custom in sizes close to stock, what would you pick on a budget of ~$2k? I'm not intent on spending that much on wheels, but would go that high for the right look. Nobody say comstars.
Any advice or pointers are very much appreciated.