Hey mate! I've got one of those bikes exactly. They can be fun, when they're not a handful. Good call on replacing the rubbers. Since they're already jetted pretty lean, any air leaks at all make it very hard to start and/or run at all. I got my 'new' coils from a local used bike parts shop, just make sure they're not cracked at all. Check your igniters, too, under the seat, you may find they're melted out. Sometimes you can scoop up the goo and stuff it back in since it's just an insulator, but sometimes the overheating damage has been too much and they're toast. Fortunately lots of other bikes had these types of igniters.
Once you get your coils and timing etc sorted, you may want to consider iridium plugs. I know a lot of folks feel like they're snake oil, but I know I saw a great improvement in starting and idling.
Good luck to you. There are many a thread here on cb650 charging etc.