Author Topic: Short ride video on my 550  (Read 1525 times)

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Offline jneuf

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Short ride video on my 550
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:46:41 PM »
Haven't really messed around with my GoPro on my bike yet, so I messed around with it a little tonight....I tried the suction cup mount, and that did not work well at all, so I used the chest strap and took it for a little ride (battery died, which is why the video is really short).

In case any of you have been considering one, here is a short video with it strapped to my chest. No background music, so you can hear the audio that it actually picks up.

For the other GoPro users out there, what types of mounts do you use?

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'75 CB400f

Offline Deltarider

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Re: Short ride video on my 550
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 10:56:32 PM »
Third world quality road surface. Wouldn't ride without gloves.
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Re: Short ride video on my 550
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 11:09:18 PM »
I love that camera angle, and great vid!  I have to agree with the gloves comment though.  Have you ever dropped it without gloves on?  I did once at 50 mph (slowed down from 95) on my old Seca 750.  I had to commit to a turn through newly laid gravel in the Illinois countryside, and there wasn't enough traction.  I put my hand down, and I immediately felt flesh being sanded off.  It was so strange, like my arm was immediately getting shorter.  Anyway, I always ride with gloves now be it motorcycle or bicycle.

I hope I didn't hijack your thread... and great vid!

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Offline dhall57

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Re: Short ride video on my 550
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 02:07:14 AM »
The sound of those SHOC/4's can't beat it. I've got a Go-Pro, have used it some, but for what ever reason my computer will not let me down load the video's to You tube. I've used the adhesive helmet mount brk on the side of my helmet and my suction cup worked great on my tank, stuck like death. Whats the problem with yours? The wind noise is a little severe at speed more than I like. So I put a small sock over the back of my Go-Pro, eliminates a lot of the wind, try it it really helps. You hear a lot more of the purr of the engine than you do of  the wind.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 02:26:59 AM by dhall57 »
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Offline jneuf

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Re: Short ride video on my 550
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 05:58:48 AM »
I knew I'd get some gloves comments  ;D

I actually rode my bike to work yesterday and forgot my gloves there. This trip was me going back to get them. I get really paranoid riding without them....I typically don't ride without my boots, heavy jeans, armored jacket and helmet of course. This is a little off track, but since we're on the topic of safety gear here too, I was behind a girl on a scooter on my ride home from work. Her riding gear consisted of shorts, flip flops, a sweater (no sturdy jacket), and thank god she had a helmet on. To top it off, she checked her cell phone at red lights...scooters seem to have gotten super popular around here now, I'm seeing way more of them on the road now than I used to, and as long as they're under 50cc, no motorcycle license required, and no rider safety course is required. Drives me nuts...The way those people ride I'm surprised more people haven't gotten killed on them....

Anyway, the suction cup mount stuck really well, but I honestly think it was because our roads are so bad it kept bouncing around. Winnipeg roads are horrible, and the ones I was riding on aren't even particularly bad compared to most. I wouldn't say it's quite third world quality, as I've actually rented a scooter and ridden in Cuba....I actually have GoPro video of that that's quite something to see...I should try to upload that.
'75 CB400f

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Re: Short ride video on my 550
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2011, 09:42:53 AM »
Luv video clips of rides! Another member and I were going to video a ride on Vashon Island today but; yesterday sunny and 70, today 50 and rainy, so we bagged it.

I thought you were somewhere in the mid west possibly even Canada. Some of the landscape looked similar to Regina where my in-laws live.
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Offline jneuf

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Re: Short ride video on my 550
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 09:51:52 AM »
Luv video clips of rides! Another member and I were going to video a ride on Vashon Island today but; yesterday sunny and 70, today 50 and rainy, so we bagged it.

I thought you were somewhere in the mid west possibly even Canada. Some of the landscape looked similar to Regina where my in-laws live.

Ha! Good eye! I'm in Winnipeg.

Trying to get the camera sorted out so I can use it on the rally!
'75 CB400f

Offline Panotaker

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Re: Short ride video on my 550
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2011, 10:50:53 AM »
I got a couple of Gopro HD cameras. I use mine mainly for when I go mountain biking. I go mountain biking on a unicycle and I have the videos to prove it. I mostly wear it on my helmet or on the unicycle frame. I haven't tried it on my motorcycle since I am still working on my 750. My other running motorcycle is a Goldwing, and I don't see the point of filming a Goldwing ride.

Your motorcycle video is cool, but I would make a handle bar bracket so the camera fits in between the handle bars. That way you would only see a little bit of the gauges and a lot of the road. A flat bar and a couple of hose clamps should be all you need for a bar mount.