Author Topic: Post Pics of Your Pets  (Read 53936 times)

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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Post Pics of Your Pets
« Reply #625 on: May 19, 2011, 05:17:25 PM »
Do temp pets count?  :)

Back in late winter we became aware (thanks to our cat's attention to a flue clean-out door in the basement) that we had a raccoon living in one of our flues, the one that was used for the old furnace long gone. It still has a 3" liner in it from our old water heater, so it must have been a tight fit. I was getting ready to round-up a live trap, but held off not knowing if it might be a female with a litter. We watched his comings and goings for a couple of months and named our guest "Rocky."

We found out today that Rocky is actually a Rockette.  ;) Caught her relocating one of the young'ns. Since they typically have 2-4, but can have up to 8  :o we will have to keep an eye out and plan the final eviction.  ;D
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Offline xfactor

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Re: Post Pics of Your Pets
« Reply #626 on: May 19, 2011, 05:22:59 PM »
Do temp pets count?  :)

Back in late winter we became aware (thanks to our cat's attention to a flue clean-out door in the basement) that we had a raccoon living in one of our flues, the one that was used for the old furnace long gone. It still has a 3" liner in it from our old water heater, so it must have been a tight fit. I was getting ready to round-up a live trap, but held off not knowing if it might be a female with a litter. We watched his comings and goings for a couple of months and named our guest "Rocky."

We found out today that Rocky is actually a Rockette.  ;) Caught her relocating one of the young'ns. Since they typically have 2-4, but can have up to 8  :o we will have to keep an eye out and plan the final eviction.  ;D

That baby is adorable!

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Post Pics of Your Pets
« Reply #627 on: May 20, 2011, 08:11:06 AM »
Hmm, I don't know about adorable? Adults can do a lot of damage should they find a way into a structure, and they can be down right nasty if cornered. But since neither situation applied in this instance, she got a pass.  ;D
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Re: Post Pics of Your Pets
« Reply #628 on: May 21, 2011, 12:38:34 PM »
my family always respected and helped out wild animals. From raccoon orphans, skunk orphans, owls with broken wings, stray cats and dogs, prairie dogs, even a porcupine that our husky tore into. We didnt get too personal with the porcupine.

I caught a lot of crap for taking care of this little guy. you can tell from the drain in the photo that he's only a little bigger than a baseball. We found him on our second story balcony. We see full grown ones often. I put him in the bathtub with water and cat food for about 48hrs and, while it was in shock, (and wearing my bike gloves) made sure it didnt have any broken bones. We released him down by the river around 2am. hopefully he doesnt find his way back.

oh and its a possum. about 5 inches long excluding the tale. Size of a kitten I guess.
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Offline fastbroshi

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Re: Post Pics of Your Pets
« Reply #629 on: May 24, 2011, 10:28:55 PM »
   I took my dog Sandy into the vet earlier this evening about 6:30; she hadn't been able to keep down any food and wouldn't lie down, so I figured something was wrong with her tummy.   Doctor wanted to take some xrays and found a large melon size growth in her abdomen that was pushing on her stomach amongst other organs.   The bad thing is I'd noticed she was a bit swollen for a bit but figured she was just gaining weight since I haven't been walking her much.   Considering she was 11 and the growth was most likely benign, I decided to put her down.  Looking into the eyes of the one you love as they slowly dim and flicker out is gut wrenching.   She was one of the Greats. 

« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 01:31:28 AM by fastbroshi »
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Re: Post Pics of Your Pets
« Reply #630 on: May 25, 2011, 01:10:08 AM »
its a hard decision broshi,,i hope someone could do that for me one day.

Offline fastbroshi

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Re: Post Pics of Your Pets
« Reply #631 on: May 25, 2011, 01:38:02 AM »
   I'm a logical person - the decision to do it wasn't that hard.  Let her go now, or wait a couple days so I can selfishly have more time with her?  Heck, it was easy.  I didn't think about the saying goodbye part.  THAT was so tough on me.  Emotionally, it was one of the toughest things I've had to do.  Reminiscing about where I found her, her barking on the phone to me and urging me on when I was in boot camp, teaching her how to shake, everything.   I told the ladies there I was leaving 4 or 5 times, but I kept going back to her.
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