Author Topic: When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..  (Read 1399 times)

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Offline putnaja1

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When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..
« on: April 20, 2006, 12:10:54 AM »
Did you mean, take off the oil pan, and clean the oil pickup screen?  If so, is that possible to do with the engine in the frame?  Is the pan tricky to reseal once you take it off?  Finally, how often do you do this?  Is there any way to check the screen without taking off the pan?

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Re: When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 06:18:07 AM »
Jason, the oil pick-up and it's screen are are easily accessed by dropping the oil pan, which can be done with the engine in place. Some aftermarket exhausts get in the way and have to be removed, but not an issue with stock and most aftermarket ones. The oil pan seals to the lower case with an o-ring gasket which CAN be re-used, but it is always best to put in a new one.

Offline Paul

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Re: When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 09:42:45 AM »
which CAN be re-used, but it is always best to put in a new one.

I'd disagree, 'nuff money spent on these without buying new seals (at least the non critical ones), I recon' if it's not leaking ...use the old one....don't forget to drain the oil first.
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Re: When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2006, 12:50:20 PM »
A new one is $4.95 from Honda. Had it in stock.
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Offline jph550

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Re: When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2006, 10:24:20 AM »
I'm putting my headers and pipe back on this weekend after a new high temp paint job but I also want to change the screen for the oil system. However, I'd like to do a proper oil change of the cheap stuff I put in for the winter. I'd like to get  the bike hot  first to clear the upper regions well.

Does anyone know how easy it would be to remove the oil pan with a MAC 4 INTO I exhaust on the bike?
Or  should I plan on doing two oil changes and reuse the old "winter storage oil" (probably not a good idea)?

btw: I plan on using my new $5 o-ring.
'76 cb550K
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Offline putnaja1

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Re: When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2006, 12:07:39 PM »
I'm just curious how the bike runs with the Mac 4:1 pipe..  I know my '82 CB900F ran great with stock jetting after I switched to the Mac 4:1 for that bike.  I am hoping to get the same results for my CB550K..

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Offline jph550

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Re: When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2006, 01:41:16 PM »
I didn't do it myelf, but I'm certain the mechanic who worked on my bike before I got it must have rejetted/adjusted mixtures in the carbs. I've been wondering about that myself. It runs rich as far as I can tell. I think he made it a little rich instead of too lean for fear of burning it up.

This is my third season with this 76 550K and I hope to not have to mess with the carbs yet. I took storage precautions when I put it up and have my fingers crossed. Starting can be a little touchy because I need the choke to get it started cold, but if I leave the choke on too long I think I run the risk of fouling the plugs quickly. It will also foul plugs when driven slowly around side streets. But, boy! It SCREAMS  ;D above 5,000rpm and I'm not changing plugs ALLL the time. I do keep an extra set pre-gapped with me at all times though.  ;)
jason (jph550)
'76 cb550K
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Offline jph550

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Re: When you 500/550 guys say "clean the screen"..
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2006, 11:45:31 AM »
I'm just curious how the bike runs with the Mac 4:1 pipe..  I know my '82 CB900F ran great with stock jetting after I switched to the Mac 4:1 for that bike.  I am hoping to get the same results for my CB550K..


I am also running cooler plugs so it isn't too lean. I think the stock plugs make it to lean. I'm using NGK D8EA instead of 7.
hope this helps


p.s. where are you on the east coast? I'm in Brooklyn, NY and my name is Jason too.
'76 cb550K
with original faded brown/green tank