Can't believe i have no answers...!?!?
There's a lot of guys here that got the same kit as me and nobody can share their expériences?
Come on guys!
Oh, sorry, I was looking at a zipper...
Actually, I'm on the road, not getting reliable Internet at the motels. I stayed in one that didn't have working service last night.

Don't get too fine with the grit, unless the ring (top ring) is chrome. Then 320 is OK. Otherwise, use 2nn- something. The hatch angle is said to be 'important' when I've talked with ASME engineers before, but I think it is 'important' for them to argue amongst themselves about? No one had given me a definitive answer re: what angle is best at what grit for which ring type? As with most of the ME types I work with, they can answer any question with one or two variables, but having three seems to make them vibrate and lock in place.

They would HATE to try to program the machines they then build...they just make ME do that part.