Author Topic: CB750K3 final wiring help needed!  (Read 711 times)

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Offline GrandRapids750K3

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CB750K3 final wiring help needed!
« on: May 29, 2011, 09:37:32 AM »
It has finally been warm enought to ride and I have got to get this bike running...

To start let it be known that this is my first time doing anything with the wiring...

I have replaced the wiring harness and most things seem to be working. However, for some reason my headlight and horn do not work. I have a light up tester and when I touch it to the horn wires it will light up for both wires. However, push the botton and nothing happens. THe bike doesnt have to be running does it?

I also can't get the head light to work. The white wires are connected. I have two blue wires running into the light. There are two options for the green wire, and I have tried them both but still nothing.

I really need to get this thing running for the rally. Please help!

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Re: CB750K3 final wiring help needed!
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2011, 11:06:50 AM »
If power to the horn on the black wire then touch the green wire to ground, if the horn works then either the button is bad or disconnected. Does your tester light on the blue h/l wire ? ( All tests done with one side of tester light to ground, always! ).
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline Brantley

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Re: CB750K3 final wiring help needed!
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 12:42:59 PM »
You didn't mention if your horn and light worked prior to rewiring. I'd test both by touching green wires to neg on the battery and the black on the horn and white (lo) and blue (hi) to positive. No sound or light- you found the source of yr problem. The hi/lo switch can be a problem- seen a bunch that you have to fiddle for the sweet spot to make proper contact. Try a little WD40 in the switch and horn button and jiggle (tech term). Make SURE yr harness ground at the seat latch is making good contact. If that don't work open up yr bar switch housings and make sure no wiring has come loose. Check the wires from the switches for wear/ melt/ rub though where they enter and leave the bars. Make sure all connections are clean (WD or the like and Q-tips on the female sides) and tight. Oh, and if you have the stock fuse box make sure it's not melty, the block connector blades are clean and that yr headlight fuse isn't blown.