I come back home and feel like I am surrounded by idiots and amateurs who do not know how to properly handle their cars.
Having toured up there with my ST a couple of times now, just last year I ran all around Scotland, down south (attending Pan Gathering there), Wales, etc... again and can only confirm above...
The local drivers there are so forthcoming, alone how flawless the thing with those 'passing places' works up there, or how they instantly slow down and move over to let motorcycles pass...
Things like single track roads would be an absolute disaster here at the old world, got almost run over by a 'Klingon' (don't wonder why I tag German drivers and riders with that...) in his Mercedes up on the Applecross, who of course totally ignored his passing place and kept steaming towards me, so I'd to stop my rig on the gravel, squeezing towards the rock's face there only to let that 'prick' pass while his ignorant lady passenger throwing 'gestures' at me...

...I think I rather should have kicked a nice dent in his door though...
Also local riders growing quite mad on such and suggested me the next time I should simply stop right in the middle of the road signaling with both hands that he has to back up, as its what they've started to do now...
...rant-mode off...
Alone having a gov running those 'Think Bike!' campaigns and posting signs like 'Frustration causes accidents!' followed by 'Let other vehicles pass!' is just brilliant IMHO!

Sad to observe so many B&B's, gas-stations and others being closed and out of business these days...