I was recently given this old Go Kart. The previous owner just wants before and after pictures when I restore it.
I searched around ebay and Googled "vintage go karts", "quarter midgets", etc., and was really surprised at the lack of info out there. Is there a good website or group for these old things?
The quarter midget stuff was, generally, larger and more of a race thing.
The previous owner doesn't know much about it. It's been in his family since he was a child and he's guessing it's from the late '50's- early '60's.
It had an engine at one time and the brake is integral to the chain drive. The body was on the frame at some point, but the frame has been modified and I can't quite figure out how to mount the body in the current configuration.
The body has "Patterson Fiberglass" on it.
I know that many frames back in the day were home built from plans in Popular Mechanics, etc., but I was wondering if anyone saw anything here they might recognize?