Short StoryNew stalling issue in summary: Bike will stall when idling for longer periods of time. Wont' start right away. Will start after 20 min of waiting (sometimes). I can ride bike if I keep rpm's above 3k the entire time, but then it won't start if I shut it off.
Long StoryThere is a slight discharge of the battery while just sitting in the bike. Over the course of a week I've taken different readings and it's gone from 12.5 down to 10.8. But this includes rides as well.
The latest issue I find interesting. I was riding the bike downtown in bad traffic, the bike ran for about 20 minutes and then stalled out at a light. I pushed it up on sidewalk to get out of terrible traffic.
I took a 20 minute walk to drop off paperwork, came back to the bike, had a talk with a homeless lady looking at the bike. I told her I was going to move it away from her cart to a parking lot so I could come back with my truck and pick it up, but for grins I try to start it, and bam on first kick it starts. Ride it 2 minutes to safe location, shut it off and call my buddy who was coming to pick me up. I tell him I don't need picked up, the bike starts but come anyways to follow me home. Bike won't start again. Buddy shows up, we push the bike down a ramp and bump start it. I ride the bike home keeping rpm's above 3k. Felt like the movie speed

Get home, check plugs thinking I may be running too rich. Plugs are perfect and dry as can be, nice tan color. Bike won't start back at my house. 1 hr passes, still didn't start and haven't tried since.
Can't figure out this sporadic stalling, not starting, then starting issue. Battery has maintained over 10v the entire time.