Looked a little more at the schematic and read the writing- looks like it should give somewhat flat response without a big rolloff as long as the filter caps are not removed or bypassed but I am not sure how high in frequency the output transformers go- the graph shows a rolloff before 15khz so I am pretty sure there is significant Rolloff before 20khz.
The trick would be figuring out which input tap you would want to use for your preamp and hooking up an RCA input to it- your music guy would be able to help you with that. Looks like it has 4 ohm and 8 ohm output taps so you should be OK there for most modern speakers.
You would of course have to find a matching amp for stereo amplification and probably a tube preamp to match the impedance.
Yeah, mono is kind of a bummer and I found these things can be hard to come by and often sold in pairs.
Somehow I think this was probably used with some old JAN projector with optical tracks and set up like that, as the box with it has a portable feel to it and inside the box is a sticker for a theater supply company.
Thanks for comments and anything you can figure out about mods to make it do better with music or home theater. I thought maybe use it mono if nothing shows up.
I'll have to post some pics when I get around to it.