So, I've been gone a long time because I was having a bad patch and couldn't motivate myself to get my bike on the road, despite the fact that I had to walk around it every time I came in through my garage. This year, a riding buddy pushed me into getting it on the road, which took me about 4 hours, and now it seems to be running better than ever, except for major plug fouling. (I have the Keihin CR's and need to motivate to do a plug chop.) I got it running Thursday and put the road Thursday and have ridden 150 miles since then.
The bike runs well; however, the weird thing is that my Shoei helmet is now really tight on the sides. Did my head swell? This is possible. I'm looking at replacing it with the Schuberth C3 because I want a modular, and the idea of an integrated sun visor seals the deal.