Yeah, the main fuse was blown... Well I guess it was.... The outside of the little metal peice was blue and became brown.. This was after about 30 plus minutes of trying to sync those damn carbs.... Glad I ordered 10 fuses for the main and for the lights... My impulsivity got the best of me... One thing is for sure, I am an idiot....
I cooled off, charged the battery and replaced the fuse... Bike started right up...... I tried to sync the carbs and it just kept getting worse. I am cooling off now since its hot as hell out..
BTW, I did have a fan on infront of the bike, one regular one and a lil one... Why would my fuse blow? could this be related to stationary for over 30 minutes? This happened when the bike idle went upto 5k plus.... I used the carbtune as the instructions state...