Hi, my name's Rushoid, and I'm a newbie.

SteveD says I'm supposed to introduce myself and my bike. So here goes - bike first:
1978 CB750F with an odometer reading of 25K. I bought it off of Ebay back in February for $850. This is the first bike I've ever owned and ridden (except for a relatively scary round-the-block jaunt on a buddy's ZX-12) though I've wanted one since I was a kid. It wasn't running when I bought it but I wanted something I could learn on. The front brakes were locked when I went to pick it up. That was a fun load-up. With the help of a friend, it was running the first night I had it.

The excitement was short-lived though. On the maiden voyage (after cleaning up the front calipers), exactly 4.6 miles down the road it died. The ignition switch was bad. Then the wiring needed a little work. Then the points/condensers were replaced along with the plug boots. Carbs needed cleaning, front tire was dry-rotted, tank was dirty, petcock was clogged in reserve, clutch needed adjusted, 2 valve access plugs were cracked and leaking oil, etc., etc. Now the forks have slight leak. Talk about an education!

So now I'm riding it and it has been reliable for the last few weeks but I'm still a little scared to ride unless I know my wife can come pick me up! I've got about $1200 in it at this point. But that's still a pretty good deal. Isn't it? Please say yes.

My real name's Lee but I go by Rushoid on several things - Ebay, gaming sites, etc. I'm a fan of the band "Rush" obviously. I live in the Louisville, KY area and I'm 36 years old. I'm a bit of a smart-a** and I don't take hardly anything seriously. So if I post something that offends you, I probably didn't mean it that way.

I look forward to picking your brains, trading ideas, and just generally bs. Hopefully I can help someone out too!
Ride Safe!