Okay - I tend to compensate for my ignorance by taking things very, very literally. Not always a good idea. My 1979 650 is doing this kind of weird thing where I turn it on with the choke out and it sounds perfect for about four seconds, after which it begins to rev quickly up to at least 5000 rpm, at which point I shut it off because I'm freaked out. I'm thinking it might be the fast idle, and I've been trying to adjust that by the method described here and in the manuals. Herein lies the rub.
Everyone I've read talks about turning the "screw" to adjust it. On my bike there is a 7 mm nut where it seems like the fast idle adjust should be. I have trouble seeing into it, but the last time I looked it appeared that there might be a small slotted screwhead inside of the nut - is that what I should be tweaking? It may be that somewhere between 1979 and now someone just replaced the screw with a nut, although that seems kind of complicated - I mean, the logical choice would be a bolt, right? Or it may be that people are using "screw" to mean "little twisty thing that you turn either clockwise or counterclockwise", which in this case translates to "nut". Or, it may be that I've been turning the wrong thing.
Any thoughts?