im 23 y/o and a hipster....? i dont know wtf is a hipster and google images defiantly doesn't reflect what i look like......
their was 3 reasons that i was told that why these bikes are so expensive. i started thinking about doing this whole thing is because ive read all these cheap builds that where made in like 2003-2006 and it was cheap!! picking up bikes for free or like 300-500 range.
i was never able to have a bike because of my parents....... im completly dependent they pay for my college and still my cellphone and car insurance

so now they finally caved in and let me get one without cutting me off but the build was all on me and the insurance and everything dealing with the bike. i couldnt afford a 3-5k rice rocket like a used cb600rr. thought about buying a wrecked one and turning it into a stunt bike to justify such a shiatty looking bike lol decided to look cool and get an old "cheap" (not anymore) vintage bike and rock that!
then when i tried to do it now in 2011 the bikes are in 4 digits or just beaters for 600-900 with titles.....
1) price of gas but i doubt this is why. there are plenty of other bikes to go for then just hiking up the price of SOHC hondas
2) the "hipsters".... i truely believe that 80% of the hipsters dont care if its a sohc or not. as long as its an "old" cafe looking bike. there are other platforms xs kz gs etc (xs bikes are expensive for the other chopper crowd). yes us hipsters do have $$$$ but nothing like the prices charged for mint sohc cb's
3) this is the reason i think the bikes are expensive. its for all those guys back in the day in college riding these things around that now have good careers, has a family, pushed there kids off to college, maybe mid life crisis? that has the money to blow for their nostalgic, back in the day bikes they rode. (great time to justify buying one too because of the high gas prices

) i blame it on you old people jk jk
im mechanically inclined, i will keep my bike. i would have loved to keep my first car but its just to big. but this bike i made from the frame up. i could always keep a motorcycle even if i had to park it in a spare bedroom. could you imagine when im 43 and still have this super vintage bike!!! thats 20 years from now

i hope theirs still gas.....