Author Topic: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?  (Read 5516 times)

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2011, 09:15:21 PM »
Maybe from the topic. :o     And if you open it and dont like shut the F up and ignore it.

Maybe you should take some of your own advice..... I am sure that those guys are quite capable of speaking up for themselves....
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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2011, 09:16:45 PM »
yes u are right.    bye ;D
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Offline Gordon

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2011, 09:20:08 PM »
Yes there are stupid ?'s but what gets me not are a$$holes that feel compeled to open them and #$%*.  No one is forcing you to open a thread.  Especially if you dont like the topic!!!!!!

How the hell are you supposed to know what's in the thread if you don't open it..?  And its a forum mate, everyone is entitled to their opinion whether you like it or not.....

Have to agree with Terry on this.  When it comes to the Tech Forum, if you don't have something productive to add, then just don't add anything at all.  If you don't like the question that was asked, or how it was asked, and don't feel in the mood to coax more pertinent information out of the person, leave it alone and let somebody else do it. 

Two exceptions:  Pod threads and Oil threads! ;D ;D ;)

I'll admit I don't always stick to that ideal, but I try. 

Now when it comes to the Open forum, it's no-holds-barred!!! ;D
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 09:21:41 PM by Gordon »

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2011, 11:01:52 PM »
The forum helps those who help themselves. ;)

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2011, 01:59:29 AM »
no new rules,,its in the rules.

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #30 on: June 08, 2011, 02:39:24 AM »
I get the feeling that there are many members who at the first sign of trouble post a"something wrong with my bike" thread instead of doing a search or trying to solve the problem on their own.  Now maybe they just want to be social and involve us all with the problem, and we're all just one big family, right.  But on the other hand it does give some members the opportunity to show off how much they know so there is an upside too. ;)  Myself the only time I would ask a question was if I had failed to fix it myself or find an answer in the archive.  Everything that can go wrong has been discussed here at one time or another.

First time I rode the bike this year my front brake was dragging and the lever was spongy.  I could have run to the computer and posted a "help me" thread but instead I pulled the caliper apart and found the problem.  On my last ride in November 2010 I had a sticky caliper from grime and brake dust and had taken it apart to clean it and I parked the bike without road testing it.  The little plastic spacer ring had slipped out of position between the piston and pad when I put it back together causing the problem.   Now, nobody would have known I F'ed up last November and made a newbie mistake ....until now. ;D ;D ;D

The one I'm ready to finish and ride had some nasty stuff in the front brake system, read the other posts.

But when it comes to a single carb and manifold or coil on plug, I just have to ask these things, which have apparently been done. 

Grade school teacher used to say "No such thing as a stupid question."
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Offline gnarlycharlie4u

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #31 on: June 08, 2011, 05:56:54 AM »
I kinda agree with Phil, but not just for over your head stuff. This site is a huge brain trust, massive in scope and ingenuity, highly giving and sharing and friendly. I understand that this is the web and it's public and there is no knowledge barrier to entry but from time to time I get a little bit galled at how little respect people have for the community. This site helps us understand our motorcycles and the experience and theories of our fellow riders. It's about thinking, so it's a little disconcerting to see people barking out questions and demanding answers when it's clear they didn't give it any thought or effort. It does help to search and read and think before posting a question. You should only go to the oracle if you can't answer your question on your own. I think there are a lot of lazy people attracted to the "free brain trust" aspect of the site, totally unaware and unrespecting of the immense value they're getting for their money ($0). Some of the categories:

Not using search. The search sucks compared to what it used to be, but you can still find stuff. Try before you post. You'll be surprised.

Not even giving a hint of interest that you're interested in how things work. You're not willing to look at your carburator and really think about how it works, but you demand that someone tells you what jets to use with the pods you just bought at the swap meet. Remember the guy who said that he wants to get velocity stacks because his air filter was getting too dirty? Not thought about what the bike needs or how it works.

Not listening. When TwoTired tells you what you need to look at to determine why your bike isn't sparking and you go on and on about how you changed your rectifier and cleaned your carbs and it's still a mystery, you aren't listening. I get it -- you want to be the unique guy that stumped the forum, but you're basically just a guy with a broken bike that won't listen.

Talking out your a$$. It's your first CB. You're asking why your carbs seem to be dripping, why you can't idle under 5000 and your pipes are getting red hot and your bike turns sharply to the left if you let go of the handlebars. They you say how you're going to get clubmans and velocity stacks and a hot cam  and 3 ohm coils and 160 back tire because you need to go faster.

You're cheap. You say you want to build the bike of your dreams, but when you find out that a decent set of tires costs a minimum of $150, you just ask everyone where you can get them cheaper. You want your head ported, bored, valves ground but you only want to pay $100. You're aspirations are bigger than your wallet.

This is the best explanation I have heard so far.

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #32 on: June 08, 2011, 07:20:54 AM »
Maybe from the topic. :o

You mean from topics like "77 550 carbs", "cb350f clutch", or "spark plugs"?  ::)

And if you open it and don't like shut the F up and ignore it.

I usually do.  :) ;)
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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2011, 07:24:30 AM »
I am on my manperiod now and no, you may not have a new rule.
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Offline gnarlycharlie4u

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2011, 07:38:56 AM »
You mean from topics like "77 550 carbs", "cb350f clutch", or "spark plugs"?  ::)

haha yes!!

some of my favs: "electrical", "carb problems"
you open the thread and the post is basically just the title. "I am having problems with my carbs" no bike listed, no description of the problem, etc...

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2011, 07:54:46 AM »
It's hard to learn humility until you've royally f**ked up at least a few times.  Failure keeps you in touch with reality, and you can never know how far something can be over your head until you've gotten halfway into it and said "Jeezus Christ, I'm So F*d. :o"

If no one experienced the above, there'd still be dose bags putting ugly 330 conversions on 750s that barely run and look like hell, then showing up here with pics of the aforementioned bastardized paperweight trailered to some event so half-naked women could rub themselves on it and he could give us some sort of 'I told you so." ...while wearing one glove, throwing up the horns and still looking like a total 'dose'   

If no one experienced the above, we'd still be getting people with far more money than sense; the guys who buy an old bike, then clear Carpy's shelves and pat themselves on the back for making an awesome cafe racer "all by themselves."

Most importantly, if no one experienced the previous lessons in humility, we wouldn't have threads like the inspiration thread, or the networking we have within our community with greats like Hondaman, TwoTired, MRieck, Paulages, Spikeybike, Voxhonda and many, many others who are truly, truly skilled with this stuff and actually willing to help the newbies out.  If newbs didn't get in over their heads enough to freak out, and get advice well over their heads, then they'd never end up learning how to value the advice they can get here and that'd be a hell of a loss.

so.... put on your big boy panties and ask for help if you need it, then ask for clarification if you need it. There are no stupid questions. ok, that's a lie. There are a lot of stupid questions, but sometimes they need to be asked, too.  Search button is your friend- hopefully someone else has already taken the hit and asked the stupid question for you. ;) 

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #36 on: June 08, 2011, 10:07:52 AM »
Nothing wrong with being a newbie, and being inquisitive and wanting to learn and actually putting some thought into it.

There's definitely something wrong with being a newbie and not show any initiative to learn how the bike works and acting like all of the seasoned experts work for you and demanding step by step fixes for the problems you can't even describe correctly so that you can get it started and race back to the cafe to show how cool you are.

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #37 on: June 08, 2011, 10:47:10 AM »
Oh dammit you guys, this has gone awry. I popped open a lovely can of worms I had been saving, and thought we could all share them. Now I also see someone's placed a 10 foot pole on the floor in here, generally good for touching various things, but I don't think I'll do that.
       Instead, I've tied the now open can of worms to the end of the 10 foot pole, and am trying to use it to scare off the elephant in the room. Wish me luck.

Offline Frankenkit

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2011, 12:16:55 PM »
Good luck, man... I hear some people will touch anything with their pole. 10' or not. :o
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Offline gnarlycharlie4u

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #39 on: June 08, 2011, 01:24:28 PM »
haha alright i found a perfect example of what I'm talking about

the first reply is priceless and so true.

granted the A's are kinda hard to find stuff for, but the composition of that OP was atrocious enough to warrant the response.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 01:26:29 PM by gnarlycharlie4u »

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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #40 on: June 09, 2011, 05:36:14 PM »
Hmmm ... for some reason I was attracted to this topic  ;D
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Re: I'm cranky.. can we have a new rule...?
« Reply #41 on: June 09, 2011, 10:26:54 PM »
Hmmm ... for some reason I was attracted to this topic  ;D

lawlssssss. I can't imagine WHY... ::)