So, Background reminder:
I bought this non-running, long time stored 350. It was covered in years of barn dirt and grease, all the chrome surfaces were rusted etc, but it had pretty low mileage (9k) and the rubber bits are soft.
I rebuilt the carbs, replaced a stuck/bent valve, broken rocker, several worn rockers, valve seals, lapped valves, de-rusted all the chrome, patched the rotted mufflers, cleaned, cleaned cleaned.
Well, today I started it up and she runs great! This is a really fun bike. I am still getting used the high revs, as I am used to twins, but it is a hoot to zip around on.
I used an aftermarket head gasket with a little copper spray, and no seepage so far.
I have not vac synched it yet because I need to get a male/male fuel line fitting to attach my long fuel line to (to set the tank on the bench for synch) but the eyeball synch seems to be doing alright for now, although it does idle down and die sometimes.
anyway, she runs. I detect a slight flat spot around 4500, but it's not really too noticable.
I need to get some more oil in the front end (bouncy), get the new correct size Duros mounted, and replace the mini-apes with some GP touring, or superbike bars, and I'll be set. Well, lots of detailing left to do - crankcase covers refinished etc... But at least I can ride it now!