hello I'm new on this board(I'm from the Netherlands,Amsterdam) and just bought myself an CB500f,
i have a few questions and would like to have some tips...
this summer I'm going to make a big trip on my motor (which is still in a few boxes and is excited to be put together by me..)
a friend of me ownes an CB550f, i drove his motorcycle and it rides pretty good, my guestion is does my motor have the same driving-qualities, or is it an another experience..? I've been doing some research and by the books the 550 has 2hp more than the CB500, but by the books the 500 is faster because its lighter... i don't know what to expect from my bike, acceleration etc...
the trip we are going to make is true Europe we will drive from netherlands to Croatia, then with a ferryboat to Italy and than back to the netherlands this trip is 3500 kilometers which is 2000+ miles...
i would like to know if the parts of the ignition and other parts that can fail are interchangeable of the 500/550
other handy tips are also very welcome....