Yeah I'm pretty excited about it. Couldn't have gotten luckier with a first bike

I haven't completely broken the carbs down yet as I am a bit nervous about it but kinda getting tired of trying to run around it so it will most likely be started on by the end of the month. I am mechanically inclined for the most part, I understand the need to ask for the choke. To answer that yes the choke was turned down (opened) about a 1/4 turn for it rise in rpms. I replaced the old fuel filter (was thinking it didnt look like it was meant to be there will probably just remove mine), disassembled the brake calipers and cleaned and lubed in the proper place and both work great still no issues with them, I replaced the air filter and cleaned the housing out, although the boots from the housing to the carbs do not seal as well as I like in the housing, just figured this would not make a significant impact on the performance or at least enough to cause the rise in rpms from the choke.
I did clean the tank, line it with kreme liner so far no problem and checked the petcock valve for proper function and the outside filter on it, everything is in working order with no tears and proper flow through it. I did clean the idle jet out with a small piece of wire and carb fluid to the point that I could not see any dirt or build up inside. I will have to check the main jet later when I order the rebuild kit and not sure what the emulsion tube is?
I replaced the front fork seals and fluids according to the klymers manual. Checked the wiring system for any aging issues (thank goodness he kept it in his garage the whole time), chain is still within tension guidelines and cleaned and lubed it up accordingly. Rear shocks make a sucking noise when I sit on the bike probably seals that are worn out?
It has good compression thankfully also. I might try to have the carbs vacuum synced if I can get to a buddy's house a few miles away. Might help with the rpm trouble I am thinking.