OK so I bought this bike being "winterized", big mistake. I get the bike home and put oil in the engine and charge the battery. What happens you wonder? Oil pouring from the stator cover and the bike doesnt start. When I pulled off the stator cover i oticed that the rubber grommet had been crushed. After searching for a new grommet and coming up empty handed i ordered a new stator. After installing that and putting more oil in the engine I try to start it up again and the same thing happens. Pulling the cover off again, I noticed that there is a plug that is sticking out of the engine farther than I think that it should be. After hours of looking onn line I determine that the plug is installed backwards. So I turn it around, more oil, and turn the key and wow, no more oil leak. So to the bike not starting issue. I find that the main power cable is grounded to the frame, so I fix that. I then determine that both CDI boxes are burnt up as well. So after ordering those, they are expensive, and installing them I try again. The bike tries to start but still nothing. So I pull the carbs to rebuild and notice that the choke flaps are hitting the carb bodies. So i rebuild the carbs and fix the choke issues. After butting everything back together I turn the key and it starts. Runs a little rough so I dropped it off the get the carbs set correct. Once I get it back I will start the cafe racer convertion. And I am now finding that there are no seat and rear tail sections for this bike so I will be making everything by hand. So keep checking for updates to come.