A few weeks back, my '77 750k (Dyna 2k ignition, 3 ohm coils, CR carbs) started cutting out on me. When it would happen, the bike would lose a lot of power but keep running. It would only happen after I had been on the road for 30-45 minutes, and it would last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Sometimes it would backfire once when it kicked back in.
Last week, it finally went into hard failure, but I was able to limp home. The 1 & 4 pipes were cold, so I started debugging the ignition. I had replaced the spark plugs the week before, and they looked O.K. Continuity and voltage to the coils checked out. I tested the coils, and the the 1 & 4 coil seemed to be bad: both coils showed about 3.5 ohms resistance on the ignition side. The 2 & 3 coil showed 14.5 k ohms on the spark plug side, while the 1 & 4 coil showed 308 k ohms on the plug side. It didn't seem that I could tease a spark from either the 1 or 4 coil. I didn't open the points cover; however, the LED on the Dyna 2k lights on both the 2/3 and 1/4 strokes. Voltage on the bike is rock solid. I have a mounted LED voltmeter, and it has never shown less than 13.8 volts when I've had this problem (usually, it's above 14v).
So, I thought this was easy. I replaced the coils, and while I was at it, I replaced the plugs and cables, but the 1 & 4 cylinders still wouldn't fire. I tested the plug wires to make sure I had gotten a good crimps, and they seem O.K.
Any thoughts before I go back to troubleshooting it? We've got some good days here, and I'm dying to put it back on the road.