Author Topic: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel  (Read 923 times)

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Offline Cvillechopper

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REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« on: June 16, 2011, 05:58:07 PM »
So 2 weeks ago this morning I was on my way to work, luckily in the truck and not with the wife or 1 year old, stopped at a red light with 2 people in front of me, just leaning forward to put my coffee down and WHAM!  I had at least 10 ft in between me and the guy in front and still hit him pretty good. 

I was really dazed and kinda slid out of the truck to start calling 911 (took me several tries just to figure out how to unlock my phone).  The guy that hit me gets out of his car (which is completely totaled) and starts asking me if I'm ok but his eye is obviously jacked up pretty badly.  I told him to turn his car off (fluids all over the place).  Once on the phone with 911 the guy from the car I got pushed into comes up and the other guys comes back and asks if his eye is still there (it was). 

He was very apologetic and explained that he had just looked at his phone for a second and didn't know what happened until the airbags went off (45 mph zone where most drive at least 55).  It took a while for EMS to get there and I had to keep telling the kid (looked young, was actually 27) to sit down he was in shock.  He kept talking about how he was impressed that his phone was still working.  The airbag had slammed it into his eye thus all the blood and even knocked it out of it's cover.  Awesome phone, huh!?!  All this time my neck and back, which had hurt from the instant of impact, were getting tighter and tighter. 

Anyone able to due physics?  I'd love to know the actual force I got hit with.  Here's the details.

Me in my '08 Toyota Tacoma doublecab, offroad with gross weight of about 5,700 lbs with me and the stuff I keep in the truck.
He was in an '06 Subaru Impreza around 3,300 lbs with him in it traveling 45mph (I'm being generous).

I've got a class 4 hitch and it has to be replaced.  First estimate, before they start digging in is almost $7K.  Kid's got progressive and luckily was mostly honest with the cops.  Admitted fault (would be hard to argue otherwise) but said he was looking off to the side of the road.  His insurance is already being difficult and tried to order aftermarket parts.  I said nothing but OEM and it took several calls to get that fixed.

Now for the fun part.  Whiplash is no joke.  2 weeks out and I just went to my PT eval.  Range of motion is next to nothing and he said the spasms are still so bad that they can't begin working on me or it'll make it worse.  Just e-stim and heat for now.  Son turned 1 last week and I still can't pick him up and can only hold him when he's ready for bed because when he starts wiggling I can't handle him. 

If you have kids that drive, happen to be like I admit I used to be and look at your phone from time to time, or know someone that does, please just think about this.  If my son had been with me (still in a rear-facing car seat) I'd be writing about the guy that killed my boy.  Those seats are not designed to protect the neck in a rear collision and the reason the govt requires they be rear-facing until they are 1 is that the majority of collisions are front impact (especially with new parents). 

Nothing is so important that it can't wait until you get to a stop light, can pull off the road, or get to your destination.

Drive safe guys and watch your mirrors.

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Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2011, 07:09:16 PM »
Hope you get yerself better soon, Dude!!

I'm beginning to hate cell phones and nearly every driver that owns one!!!!

See this thread about my day on the road with a cage driver and his phone:
« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 09:03:43 AM by Cuts Crooked »
Cuts Crooked
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Offline dave500

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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2011, 01:22:18 AM »
texting in cars #$%*s me off!!i see it all day i drive a truck and can see down at drivers trying to be discreet with the phone on their lap,as they weave etc,#$%*ing dick heads,next worse is the gps fiddlers,,quick turn now(across three lanes!)hope you get well,a neck injury can take forever to heal and drives you nuts.

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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2011, 10:31:24 AM »
.....Along with eating (can't see much with a hamburger wrapper in front of your face), putting on makeup (face 2 inches in front of the rearview mirror), reading newspapers or paperwork at 70mph, the list is endless.  When did driving become secondary to everything else you should have done at home ?  >:(

Offline Duanob

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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2011, 01:20:30 PM »
It's a gainst the law in our state although I still see people doing it. A-holes! Good thing you weren't on your bike you probably wouldn't be posting here to tell us about it.

FWIW I always try and pull to the right side of the lane when I'm pulling up to a red light or traffic just in case if someone wasn't paying attention it would give me some chance the guy behind be could avoid me easier if he didn't see me in time. If you're in the middle of the lane it would be harder to avoid being hit. Just a thought
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Offline Cvillechopper

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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2011, 04:41:00 PM »
It's a gainst the law in our state although I still see people doing it. A-holes! Good thing you weren't on your bike you probably wouldn't be posting here to tell us about it.

FWIW I always try and pull to the right side of the lane when I'm pulling up to a red light or traffic just in case if someone wasn't paying attention it would give me some chance the guy behind be could avoid me easier if he didn't see me in time. If you're in the middle of the lane it would be harder to avoid being hit. Just a thought

Same here.  I was at the far right of the lane so he only hit the left side of my rear end.  If he had looked up at all he might have been able to miss me...
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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2011, 04:48:33 PM »
We have the cell phone ban here too but I think in a lot of ways it makes it worse! Instead of people holding them up high and glancing back and forth they hide them in their laps and actually take their eyes off the road longer to read their precious facebook updates!


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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2011, 09:28:45 AM »
Your story makes me sick, young people are notorious for thinking themselves invincible but like you said, if you had had your baby in there...

Im getting to the point i want to carry marbles for cars who cant respect other road users and lives.
Set an example on your 2 wheels for the next generation to follow.

Offline bill440cars

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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2011, 10:11:04 AM »

  James, I sure hated to hear about your accident. Like You, I AM glad that it was just YOU in your truck. There are a LOT of people who need to get their priorities straight and realize what is MORE important! I Pray that you get back on the mend soon AND that That guy has had a "wake up call".

  Back in 2001, My Dad, My Sister and I almost got "T" Boned by a Woman yaking on HER cell phone and she ran right through a redlight, but fortunately I was driving and saw that she wasn't even slowing down.

  Keep us up on how it goes, okay? Best of Luck, Bill   ;) 
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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2011, 10:31:25 AM »
I saw a young girl get the maximum fine for texting and driving last time I was in court. I think it was about $250. It was hard for me to keep from laughing when I saw her crying as she walked away from the judge. The judge gave her a long lecture about texting and driving. I wanted to stand up and applaud, but kept my feelings to myself. I really think the fine should be higher.

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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2011, 11:04:00 AM »
Its the law in Michigan, people act like it never existed. Why is it that every one that cuts me off is on a cell phone? And when you tell them to hang up and drive, they act like im the bad guy.

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Re: REALLY hate drivers texting behind the wheel
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2011, 11:06:22 AM »
How dare you infringe on their Dog given right to act stupid?!?!
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