ya that is exactly what i have!!!!
are those good? i found 2 of them for free
It believe it is a better alternative than the standard "pods".
The one I have came with a bike that was poorly modded into "cafe" style.
They also removed the inner fender, which means any water on the road will be thrown directly onto the filter membrane, where the large chunks will remain, as the water or other liquids get sucked into the engine.

What price for style?
Anyway, I was not aware that the filter was cleanable/reusable. It looked like dirt so I didn't even consider using it. I don't know how it ran. The carbs were still jetted/set up in stock configuration. This is the same bike that would disengage the clutch when the bars were simply turn to left. No need to touch the clutch lever. Needless to say that the mechanical prowess of the PO was, er, questionable. He did do a nice job on the tank and side cover repainting, though. But, I digress.
If it does indeed increase power at or near red line, then it will also need the same carb retuning effort that pods require. It's just that the settings will be different from stock or pods. Probably have the same issues in wet whether that pods have, but all cylinder will be effected about the same, instead of just the outer pods getting drenched more than inner pods.
I think K&N stopped making these filters about the same time people stop racing CB550s.
I still don't get why bikes with the filter membrane displayed are somehow "cool".