I tried to sync the carbs on my Dads 350f today and it was a nigthmare. There is no air leaks, checked several times. Cylinders 3 and 4 wouldnt even come close to keeping the fluid in the sync tool, everytime we started the bike they would shoot up until i shut the bike back off. i tried turning the adjusters a little each way but i didnt help. i disconnected the hoses to 3 and 4 and got 1 and 2 right in no problem. here is the problem, if i adjust 3 and 4 to where it will not suck the fluid out of the tool, it idles at about 5K and will not come back down. the idle screw was backed out until it wasnt even touching and it was just setting there screaming. these carbs were dissassmbled by the PO and cleaned and look like new inside and out. even now the idle is wandering and i have the adjusters turned the whole way in on all four and it still idles high and hangs when you open it up, like it has a vacuum leak but it doesnt. everything looks OK inside of the carbs, im at a loss here, i have never seen this before, anyone got any ideas?