Author Topic: early wire harness...newer bike  (Read 6484 times)

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pat english

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early wire harness...newer bike
« on: June 27, 2011, 04:51:50 PM » i got the new wire harness and ignition switch today...i got it from that parts n more web site that someone had sudgested...the only harness they had was for 72-75(i think) and my bike is a 76 super sport..i was told that the early harness could be used with some kinda modifications...and i was told thee is a thread on this already.does anyone have the link?i have some extra 6 prong female conectors left over that i don t know what to do with...
these 2:

............and i dont know where this one is supposed to plug into

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 05:56:51 PM »
The white connector is for fuses.

the red connector goes to a safety module. YOu dont need the module, but you do have to "override it" It prevents the bike from starting  if its not in neutral.

I have a 76k model but for mine, I jumped the light green/red to the green. see pic...

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 05:57:44 PM »
A Hondaman fuse box will solve the plug gender disparity in the bottom pic. No cutting, chopping, or adapting necessary.

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2011, 03:53:27 AM »
thanks for the tip on the red conector...but i still dont know what to do about this white plug

theyre both female plugs..and it seems like some of the wires are differnt colors...

(thanks for the tip on the honda man fuse box..but i dont want to spend money..this is super low budjet..i can solder..just dont know what i need to do...)

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 03:57:06 AM »
right now my goal is to get power to the coils when i turn the key on.. and for my charging system to work..ill worry about the lights and other crap later.

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 05:48:09 AM »
with the white connector, you can,...
a. cut off one of the white connectors, and crimp on flat ends that each fit into the other white connector. just match the colors.
b. no cuts and make little jumpers with extra wire and flat ends (like the one I made in the above picture)
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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2011, 05:51:45 AM »
I have a new Correct wiring harness from
you can buy mine or get one from them.  they are 75$
just anther option if you dont get it straightened out.
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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2011, 09:31:48 AM »
Or you can get the correct gender plug and a pin removal tool no cutting.

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 11:49:40 AM »
Honda changed the gender of the fuseholder plug on many of the bikes after 1975. It's not consistent, either: so much so that when someone orders one of my fuseholders, I have to ask them first for the "plug gender". Yours is typical: most 1978 "F" and K8 bikes have fuseholders with reversed-gender plugs on them. You can get the plugs and a terrific crimper from
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2011, 01:51:13 PM »
I have a new Correct wiring harness from
you can buy mine or get one from them.  they are 75$
just anther option if you dont get it straightened out.

wish i would done that..but yeah i just paid 75 for this guna MAKE it work...

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2011, 04:58:10 PM » didnt not getting any spark..i didnt use and jumpers.i just cut the wires and solderd them..can anyone see from the pics what i did wrong?

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2011, 05:13:31 PM »
how many grounds are on this wire harness?..i dont think i have them all hooked up..and the connections on my coils are all guna clean them up and hook up what i think are grounds..i know i should read the manual..but its kinda hard when i have the wrong wire harness and thers a bunch of wires that are differnt colors that dont match...ill be right back.let you know what happend..

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2011, 05:43:22 PM »
aright well that didnt work...

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2011, 06:17:14 PM »
i tried hooking everything up and turning on the head light..still nothin..i put a wrench on the positive side of the battery and touched it to the sparks flew im thinkin  my battery is dead..which is strange becasue i just bought it and had autozone charge it up going back so they can test it..ill let you know what happend.

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2011, 06:40:29 PM »
alright so the battery is good...i dont know what to do.

Offline Elan

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2011, 05:45:58 AM »
Ok, what color wires go to the start button? And what colors out of the solenoid?
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pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2011, 03:01:26 PM »
ok these 2 wires come directly out of the is green with a red stripe and the other is yellow with a red stripe.(2 wires)

and this 2 prong plug blots onto one of the terminals on the sylinoid.the wires are red and red with a red stripe.(2 wires)

these wires are coming out of the right hand controls.yellow with a red stripe,black with a white stripe,black with a red stripe,and 2 solid black wires.(5 wires)

and my ignition(brand new with the new wire harness)is brown with a white stripe,red,black,and brown.(4 wires)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2011, 03:03:26 PM by pat english »

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2011, 07:39:10 AM »
ok off the batt, it looks like your solenoid it not getting power. It should have:

 a fat + bolt-on line that goes from the solenoid to your starter.

 and then a fat red bolt on line that goes to to your battery +. this wire also has a red/white that attaches to your harness. Attach that. I havent seen these 2 with a terminal, guess thats an ss thing.. might have to do some crimping.

The big green ground wire you have hooked up should NOT be hooked up to the solenoid. THat will bolt onto the frame.

Now for the little wires...

The  2 little wires coming out of the solenoid are + and -.  when given charge, they move some junk in the solenoid, and power from the battery is connected to that line that goes to the starter. (this can also be done by putting a wrench on top of the solenoid).
 The start button is the switch that makes the circuit.  Honda made this switch as positive on some bikes and ground on others. It looks like yours is positive since you dont have any green coming from the button.  SO..

 hook up the yellow/red from the solenoid to the yellow/red on the harness
hook up the green/red on the solenoid to the "extra green" wire on the harness(not the one with the washer that you need to bolt to the frame). you may need to put the right crimp on it tho.

Make sure the yellow/red wires are connected in the headlight.

turn key to ignition and MAKE SURE THE BIKE IS IN NEUTRAL. then start. I say this because we just bypassed the safety kill switch. you bike could start in gear and go far away. You may want to go back and and hook up the safety, your call. THe safety is usually routed with the green/red coming from the solenoid to the clutch switch and neutral switch, which then grounds the circuit. but theres more detail to this setup that I cant remember..

see if that works!

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pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2011, 07:35:42 PM »
ok i did what you said..i dont have a chain on it but its still in nuetral...when i hooked up the power from the sylinoid and starter to the battery,my starter just started spinning so i unhooked it real controls are all jaked up..the starter button is pushed in and stuck.and the kill switch in the controls was stuck i took it apart and solderd the 2 wires that go to the kill switch together(that completes the curcit correct?)

im guna try to rig up the starter button so its not on all the time..

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2011, 08:09:56 PM » the only thing thats getting power is my starter..even if the keys off..when i hook up the battery the starter just starts spinning.

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2011, 08:24:08 PM »
heres one thing im not sure about.i know you explained it but i didnt understand i guess.the 2 prong plug coming off the bottom of the sylinoid  has 2 red has a white stripe though.i only have one red wire coming off my harness..should i twist the 2 red wires together and solder them to the one red on my harness?

Offline Elan

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2011, 10:51:14 AM »
ok put down the soldering iron ;D

DO you have a wiring diagram? heres one that should be generally the same as your bike..

DId you hook up the ground wire with the loop to the frame like this?..

Make sure its metal to metal, no paint.

until you fix your starter button, unplug the green/red at the solenoid so it doesnt keep going off.

Now, confirm that these are hooked up...

Red from battery to solenoid

red/white from solenoid (or from above red wire) to red/white on harness (i think this is your problem)

DO your lights come on? if no, then....

Confirm power at the main fuse with a tester(do you have one?). both sides of fuse.

if yes, now confirm power in the red terminal at the ignition switch. If yes, then...

turn key to ignition, and in the headlight, test black wire and brown/white wire. try it with the key in position 1 and 2.

This will greatly narrow down your problems.  Let me know what you get.

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2011, 04:40:56 PM »

Honda changed the wiring harness, including the right switchgear (to turn off the headlight temporarily when starting the bike) with the 1975 CB750F and 1976 CB750K. It appears that no one makes a harness for these and later CB750 models.  :'(  RR

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pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2011, 05:08:11 PM » i see what you mean about the 2 red wires.i have the red from the harness hooked up to the red on the sylinoid.and nothing going from the sylinoid to the guna fix it tomorrow.i was busy all weekend and got a tattoo today so i gotta take it easy...ill let you know how it goes!thanks!

(oh yeah,i also had the big wire from the starter hooked up to the battery i guess thats why it started spinning when i hoked up the ground..right?)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 05:22:41 PM by pat english »

pat english

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2011, 08:55:04 PM »
alright well i couldnt i got to it today.i did what you said..(i guess i did it right this time)im getting spark.thats all i was trying to do!!!...i can probly figure out the rest on my own hopfully :o...thanks alot for all youre guys help.

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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2011, 09:00:55 PM » didnt not getting any spark..i didnt use and jumpers.i just cut the wires and solderd them..can anyone see from the pics what i did wrong?

In the 4th picture (of the coils), the Green ground wire appears to be loose. This MUST be grounded to the frame, right there on the front left side coil mount. Make sure the frame is cleaned of rust and paint where the bolt for the left coil mount goes in, and mount the Green wire against the frame, trapped under this bolt and mount.

Back under the seat area, the Green wire (with a similar ring terminal on it) may also be there, since the wire harness is a collection of 2 different years. If so, connect it to the threaded hole underneath the seat latch bracket. Having 2 grounds won't hurt anything.

The fuseblock: those wire colors, if they are showing accurately in the photos, look like a non-Honda color code? There should be 2 RED wires to the 15 amp MAIN fuse, two BLACK-and-RED (or might be BLACK-and-[something else stripe]) to the 7.5 amp fuse, and BROWN and/or BROWN-WHITE to the 5 amp fuse. The colors from the wiring harness will match the RED for RED, the BROWN(s) for BROWNS, and the remaining 2 will be for the 7.5 amp headlight fuse, whatever BLACK-and-[something] that they are.

Make sure also that your BLACK wire in the headlight is connecting to the BLACK-WHITE wire in there by way of the RUN-OFF switch: jumper it manually if you have to for now. The BLACK-WHITE feeds power to the coils from the RUN-OFF switch on the right handlebar. The BLACK wire feeds that switch. So, jumpering past the switch for now, in the headlight, will at least get power to the coils for sure.
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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2011, 11:13:55 AM »
Hi Pat, Did you figure out what to do with the 2 prong plug next to the Solenoid with the Red wires. I have the same thing on my 1976 750F harness and trying to figure out what to do with them? Also I have another little 2 prong plug with what looks like a little relay plugged in too, Dont know if you have that one.
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Re: early wire harness...newer bike
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2011, 11:35:28 AM »
That little relay is a diode. It is part of the safety system in the later bikes, replacing the red safety unit that connects to the red connector in a '75. I actually have been working the opposite problem - making a 1978F wire harness work on my '75 750. Too bad I didn't see this post before we both started modifying the harnesses.

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