Love it!
I'm a pet lover/owner (two cats and a Blue Heeler), but there's this nasty, feral Tom cat we call Evander (he's missing part of an ear) that I'd love to catch. He comes around and has beaten the sh!t out of my male cat on more than one occasion. (No, literally....he cornered him on the back porch once and Bootsie crapped all over the place. And himself. Ever tried to give a cat a bath?)
My cat's a lover (neutered, like a good pet should be, of course), not a fighter....but he won't back down from Evander. Last time, Bootsie got an infection on his face from the fight. $375 and a drain tube later, I was determined to catch Evander.
The live trap caught a possum, but no cat. He stays away when the dog is outside. The Heeler caught him once and shook him in the figure eight death grip. Thought she was gonna kill him! You'd think that would do it, but NO....he still comes around.
I'd like to set up something like this but with maybe a .22 instead of the hose (only for Evander).
Oh, and I'm trying to figure out a way to keep the swallows from nesting on my front porch, too. Beautiful birds. Bird poop everywhere.