Author Topic: cb750 wiring question  (Read 682 times)

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Offline dj4sin

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cb750 wiring question
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:43:59 AM »
I have a 1972 cb750 I'm trying to get wired back up. I'm following a "minimal wiring diagram" I found from reading the forums and have attached it for review. I had a few questions though, as some of my parts/wires don't seem to be matching exactly with the diagram.

Here are my questions:
1. My regulator has the letters F, S, A and I when looking directly at it. I currently have the white wire from the alternator going into the F (as per another diagram I saw), a wire running from the Accessory on the starter switch into the A, and a wire running from the IGN on the starter switch to the S. Is this correct or do I need to run from the IGN into I ?

2. The diagram also shows the regulator having a ground wire coming off of it. Does that ground wire connect to one of the F,S,A,I spots ?

3. The starter switch that is on this bike is a key. Meaning if I want to use the actual starter motor I basically turn the key like a car. On the back of this switch are BATT, ACCS and IGN. I understand what those mean, but there is also an additional connecting point in the middle of those that is not identified. Would this be a ground connection ?

4. The diagram shows the coils connecting to the ACCS, but I've also seen diagrams where they connect to the IGN point. Is there a difference ?

5. My dimmer switch for the headlight has two connection points, not three as in the diagram. The headlight itself has 3 wires, a blue, white and green I believe. I had attached the blue and white wires to the dimmer switch and then ran the remaining green wire to the ACCS on the starter switch. I had expected that the headlight would have come on when turning the starter switch either right or left but it didn't. Is this wired wrong ?

Hopefully I'm not sounding too ignorant in my questions, I'm definitely not a mechanic, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can by asking questions and researching forums. I appreciate any advise anyone has. Thanks