sorry, i've been at work. so, everything in the pic i posted is plug and play. very simple setup. all of the wiring fits in the bucket except the ballast. there are many ways and places to mount this, most people mount it with the horn or on the frame opposite the horn. you can make a bracket, use zip ties, hose clamp, magnets, etc, etc. also the hid kit pictured is a 35w kit, which leaves more power for other things. the light is brighter, the beam is further and WIDER, which is why i got it. i drive 20 miles of country roads to work every day, the dead dear along side the road is all the reason i needed to get HID. the drill bits were from drilling my drag bars for wiring. the lighter was for size reference. if you still decide you do not want HID the second of the two links i posted, the one for the headlamp, comes with a replaceable bulb, i believe it was a 9003. its a modern replaceable bulb and although i through it out im sure its superior to the old sealed beam.